Since writing and publishing my 1982 article, An Examination of the Dynamics of Change in Information Technology as Viewed From Libraries and Information Centers, 75 Law Library J. 198 (1982). I have learned a great deal—so much, in fact, that a completely new article is necessary. What I have come to understand more deeply is the universality of change—how it shapes everything within us and around us. This realization has transformed my perspective, and I believe it is important to share these new insights. I hope you find this fresh perspective both valuable and thought-provoking, and that it inspires you to share it with others. David Badertscher
Change is the driving force behind everything—from the expansion of the universe to the evolution of life and the rise and fall of civilizations. It fuels both entropy, which pushes systems toward disorder, and evolution, which shapes complexity and adaptation. But is change simply a consequence of these forces, or is it the deeper, underlying principle guiding all transformation?