Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion

The Legal Division Quarterly is the Newsletter of the Legal Division of the Special Libraries Association:

The 2009 Winter/Spring issue of the Legal Division Quarterly is now online at:

Stories about popular, exciting topics, often appear almost together , sometimes on the same day. On March 13 two stories published in the InformationWeek Daily Newsletter caught our attention and we wanted to pass them on to our readers:

In “The Intruder Story: Man At His Best”, Michael Hickins writes:

“As far as I’m concerned, David Prager is a hero. I would love to meet the man with enough sangfroid (that’s French for cojones) to Tweet and to even set up a Ustream of the event, all while reflecting on the relative degree of danger in which he found himself.”

The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), the New York State reference and research library resource system serving New York City and its metropolitan area, has just released its Strategic Plan 2009-2014. This stragetic plan which was developed through a broad consultative and inclusive process (including input from law libraries), addresses the needs of its member libraries, the demands of a changing library/information world, and the course METRO should take. As for disclosure, I participated in the planning and development of this Stragetic Plan as a member of the METRO Professional Planning Group. In the past I have also served as a member of the Board of Directors of METRO.

In view of the importance and urgency of issues addressed I am posting the entire Strategic Plan here with the hope that it will be distributed widely among libraries, their parent organizations, and other organizations concerned about libraries and librarianship. We would also appreciate comments.

David Badertscher


60 Minutes to Report on Eyewitness Identification Reform

The CBS News show, 60 Minutes will air a two-segment report on Eyewitness Identification Reform on Sunday, March 8, 2009, at 7pm EST.

From: News Release-March 3, 2009:

Des Moines, IA – March 3, 2009 – In an editorial in the January-February 2009 issue of its journal, Judicature, the American Judicature Society has called on the new administration to make the restoration and reinvigoration of the Department of Justice a major priority.

The editorial notes that the Department’s reputation for political impartiality and the morale of its personnel are at their lowest ebb since the Department’s nadir in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Recent events, the editorial says, have done serious damage to public confidence in the even-handed administration of justice.

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