Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion

BY:Lynch, C.G. CIO , February 19, 2009.


“As potential employers or recruiters peruse your work experience on LinkedIn, recommendations from past and present colleagues can be one of the most helpful features to help communicate your value. Here’s five tips for doing the most good for yourself with LinkedIn recommendations.”

The Internet in 2009 is undergoing the most significant set of changes of its entire history, ccording to one of the men who helped create it, Dr. Vint Cerf. At the official opening of the Internet Society’s (ISOC) new offices in Geneva, on 26 February, Dr Cerf explained that

technical developments in the Internet’s addressing system and the introduction of internationalised domain names are significant milestones.

Such statements carry weight, coming from the man who, in 1972, was one of the inventors of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), two critical technologies that remain at the heart of the Internet today. In addition to his technical

Secret legal opinions issued by the Bush administration lawyers after the September 11, 2001 attacks were among the nine that were released and disclosed publicly by the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday March 2, 2009.

In a Department of Justice Press Release announcing this action, Eric Holder the current U.S. Attorney General is quoted as saying: “Americans deserve a government that operates with transparency and opennes…it is my goal to make OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] opinions available when possible while still protecting national security information and ensuring robust internal executive branch debate and decion-making.”

March 2, 2009 U.S. Department of Justice Press Release.

Yesterday President Barack Obama presented his proposed budget for fiscal year 2010. The $3.6 trillion budget as presented represents a significant change in nearly 30 years of governing philosophy. The following are links to the 134 page budget booklet and selected accompanying documents:

President Obama’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2010

Tables of Budget Line Items to Accompany President Obama’s FY 2020 Budget


Does anyone have any complaints about the accuracy of court transcripts prepared off-site by transcribers who were not in the court at the time of the recording?

Also, what kind of a certification and qualifications do you require for your court reporters in your area?


“…We have a defendant charged with child molestation. The child is the defendant’s niece. The defendant is in his 20s, is deaf and mute and family speaks Spanish. The family has created a home sign language to communicate with the defendant. The court has excluded the brother (father of the child molested) as someone to communicate between the court and the defendant due to the obvious conflict. A sister was questioned in court as to her ability to communicate and it was determined that the home sign language was extremely basic information and she did not have the ability to communicate the court process to the defendant nor did she understand the court process. Today we had an certified American Sign Language interpreter who also is a Spanish interpreter. He was able to communicate very basic words i.e. mother, father, Mexico, hospital but did not believe he could communicate well enough with the defendant to explain the court process or the allegations to him.

Have any of you encountered this situation, and if so, how did you handle it?”

The transition of evidence from paper to digital imposes new challenges to ensuring a proper “chain of custody'” in the authentication of digital evidence.

The legal group of Merrill Corporation has recently compiled a report which addresses this and related issues:


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