Articles Posted in Conferences, Seminars and Webinars

A New Jersey Institute of Legal Education (NJICLE) event sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Association.

Date: December 19, 2024, 9:00AM – 12:00PM.

Location: New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick and Online.

An AALL/Bloomberg Partner Webinar.

November 19, 2025 at 1:00PM (CST).

“Participants will hear from research experts at Bloomberg Law as they present the survey findings and discuss how Bloomberg Law is equipping students with the necessary tools and knowledge for successful legal careers. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn how to better prepare law school students for the challenges of the legal profession.”

Sponsored by the American Bar Association (ABA), Science and Technology Section.

November 21, 2024, 1:00 – 2:00pm ET.

“The ABA Science & Technology Law Section’s Technical Standardization Committee (TSC) invites you to a webinar briefing with the latest developments in public policy around technical standards. Prompted by rapid technology developments like those related to artificial intelligence (AI), Congress and the executive branch are working quickly to address observed and potential opportunities and risks posed to tech developers and consumers.”

Global Encryption Day (GED) is an annual event organized by the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC), designed to raise awareness about the importance of encryption in protecting privacy and securing digital communications. It brings together various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, technology companies, and individuals, to advocate for strong encryption

On October 21 2024 the – Internet Society San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (ISOC SF) partnered with the Association of Computing Machinery – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (SFBayACM) and ACM San Francisco (ACM SF) to host Global Encryption Day San Francisco.

This event has two tracks in separate locations. Both to be livestreamed. All times are PDT (UTC-7)

Track 1 – Training

Lead: Chris Hanson @ RX-M

9:00 Welcome
9:30 Cryptography in Software Development
10:45 “Keyless” Cryptography
1:00 Software Supply Chain Security
2:30 Security Frameworks
4:00 Close


Track 2 – Thought Leadership
Lead: David Issa

2:30 Opening remarks
2:45 Approaching Security Across a Portfolio
Daniel Riedel – Founder and Partner, GenLab Venture Studi
3:15 Introduction to Giga 
Aleksandra Chmielewska – Partnership specialist, Giga
4:15 CloudFlare Lava Lamps
4:30 Panel – State of Encryption
5:15 Cryptographic support – Do’s and Don’ts, An Engineering Take
Deep Patel – Senior Technical Leader at Cisco
6:15 If It’s Not Easy, It’s Not Happening
Andrew Clay Shafer – Principal, Ergonautic / co-founder , Puppet
7:00 Panel – Future of Encryption
7:30 PQCA and Quantum Encryption
Hart Montgomery – CTO, Decentralized Identity Foundation /Director, Post Quantum Cryptography Alliance
8:30 Closing remarks


TWITTER #GEDSF @SFBAyISOC @TheOfficialACM @ronald_petty #GlobalEncryption #GlobalEncryptionDay



Important announcement for seniors:

Older adults, families, and professionals who work with older adults are invited to register for an action-oriented National Town Hall on scams and older adults on Wednesday, October 30, 1:00–2:00 p.m. ET. Presented jointly by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), AARP, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), this online event will feature:

  • Real-life examples of elder financial exploitation that illustrate how it can happen to anyone as they grow older
  • Money Smart for Older Adults, an easy-to-use curriculum from the CFPB and FDIC that helps people avoid, prevent, and respond to scams
  • Findings from AARP research report on blame and shame in the context of financial fraud
  • Five things you can do right now to help prevent scams and financial exploitation

The event will feature these national leaders:

  • Julie M. Strandlie, Elder Fraud Prevention Advocate
  • Kathy Stokes, AARP Fraud Watch Network, Director of Fraud Prevention Programs
  • Ron Jauregui, FDIC, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, Community Affairs Specialist
  • Lisa Schifferle, CFPB, Office for Older Americans, Senior Policy Analyst
Register → 

American Bar Association:

Register for the upcoming webinar, Prosecutorial Independence and the Rule of Law, at:

“We are living in a pivotal moment when democratic norms and the rule of law are being challenged in novel and unexpected ways as we struggle to adapt to rapid technological and cultural changes that have changed our relationships and dialogue with each other.  In maintaining the rule of law, prosecutorial discretion and independence are essential. Yet not everyone believes that prosecutorial independence exists or understands why it matters. In this panel, former Department of Justice leaders and veteran prosecutors will explore recent challenges to prosecutorial independence and the rule of law at the federal level, including the Project 2025 proposal by the Heritage Foundation.”

On Thursday September 19 2024, at 12:30-17:30 EDT (16:30-21:30 UTC) Columbia Global Freedom of ExpressionThe University of Alabama School of Law, The University of Minnesota Law School, and Columbia Law School present a book launch ‘Disinformation, Misinformation, and Democracy‘ at Columbia University in NYC.

As the US presidential election approaches and half of the world’s population heads to the polls in this “super-election year” of 2024, Cambridge University Press has published ‘Disinformation, Misinformation, and Democracy: Legal Approaches in Comparative Context, in which legal scholars from around the world explore the global threat to democracy posed by false information through a comparative legal analysis. This hybrid event gathers co-editors, contributors, and other special guests at three thematic sessions, examining solutions from the perspectives of government regulation, media self-regulation, and the role of civil society.


12:30 – 1:45pm Framing the Problem
Ron Krotosynski, Co-editor / John S. Stone Chair, Director of Faculty Research and Professor of Law at the University of Alabama School of Law
Andras Koltay, Co-editor / Research Professor, University of Public Service (Budapest) / Professor of Law, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest)
Andie Tucher, H. Gordon Garbedian Professor of Journalism and Director of the Communications Ph. D. Program, Columbia Journalism School
Moderator: David Pozen, Charles Keller Beekman Professor of Law, Columbia Law School.

2:00 – 3:30pm National and transnational regulatory approaches
Artur Pericles Lima Monteiro, Resident Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
Bernát Török, Director, Institute of the Information Society, Ludovika University of Public Service (Budapest)
Ahran Park, Associate Professor, School of Media & Communication, Korea University, South Korea
Moderator: Jeremy Kessler, Stanley H. Fuld Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

3:45 – 5:00pm Social groups and institutions, outside government
Charlotte Garden, Co-editor, Julius E. Davis Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota
Anya Schiffrin, Director of the Technology, Media, and Communications specialization, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Katie Fallow, Senior Counsel, Knight First Amendment Institute, Columbia University
Moderator: Costanza Sciubba Caniglia, Anti-Disinformation Strategy Lead, Wikimedia Foundation


Livestream provided by the Internet Society U.S .New York Chapter



TWITTER #disinformation #misinformation #democracy @ColumbiaGFoE @UofMNLawSchool @UALawSchool @ColumbiaLaw @knightcolumbia @columbiajourn
MASTODON  #disinformation



News From: Jon M. Garon, Chair, Cyberspace Law Committee, Business Law Section American Bar Association:

Dear Colleagues:

Here is the latest news about Cyberspace law, including AI, fintech, privacy, cybersecurity, crypto, digital personas and so much more. We look forward to seeing many of you in San Diego. Please join us for our CLEs, working meetings, and planning sessions.

Tuesday August 24 2024 through August 28.

Upcoming Webinar – Introduction to the Restorative Justice Laws Database
Attendees will be introduced to the functionality of the database and how they can use it to learn more about examples of restorative justice policy from around the United States. A range of relevant policy features will be highlighted.

August 28, 2024

Register Here → 
ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference
Crystal Gateway Marriott

Arlington, VA

October 8 – 10, 2024

More Information and to Register → 

Save the Date: The Twelfth Annual London White Collar Crime Institute

For the past 12 years, every October we have brought topflight legal practitioners from across the globe to London to discuss hot button issues of global significance to white collar practitioners including international money laundering and sanctions, cross-border evidentiary concerns, international internal investigations, and more.

October 14-15, 2024 

Register Here → 

Contact Information