Richard Zorza has reminded us that the White House is conducting an event on access to Justice today with Vice President Biden as one of the featured speakers. The event started at 10:30AM. You should be able to listen in on the proceedings by clicking here. For those of us concerned with equal access to legal services, including legal information, this is an important event.
Articles Posted in Conferences, Seminars and Webinars
The Internet’s Thee Principles
The New York Chapter of the Internet Society has just sent word that avideo of Alex Goldman’s OneWebDay talk ‘The Internet’s Three Principles” is now available..
State of Telecom Conference: Matching Supply and Demand for the Next Generation of Broadband
The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) “State of Telecom” conference will be held on October 15 at the Columbia University Business School, Davis Auditorium in theShapiro Center (just behind Uris Hall). This year’s focus will be on “Matching Supply and Demand for the Next Generation of Broadband.” The conference will be a “Trans-Atlantic Dialog” co-organized with IDATE of France so the topic will be explored from a global perspective.
Details, including registration, may be found on
LEH Copyright, New Media Law, and E-Commerce Newsletter
Volume 14, No. 4. September 1, 2010 ISSN 1489-954X
Published and Distributed by the Office of Lesley Ellen Harris. 2010 is the 15TH year of publication of the LEH Newsletter. All back issues are archived at
1. Studies, Legislation and Conventions
The Ethics of Engaging in Extrajudical Activity While Advancing Pro Bono
American Bar Association Judicial Division
Can judges give testimony before a legislative body? Is it permissible for judge to participate in a family business as the company’s lawyer? Can a judge charge for giving a speech to a civic organization? What role can judges play in supporting and participating in activities that promote a culture of pro bono and access to justice within the legal profession?
Off the Bench: The Ethics of Engaging in Extrajudicial Activity While Advancing Pro Bono
2010 ABA Silver Gavel Award Presentation
This is indeed the season for presenting awards. The ABA Silver Gavel Awards honor those in media and the arts that foster a better understanding of the law. All are invited to the Gavel Awards presentation at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. on July 7 at 5:00 p.m. The event is preceded by a reception and registration is required [
Here are the event details sent to us by the ABA:
Event Details Wednesday, July 7, 2010 5:00 – 6:30 P.M.
AALL Award Winners 2010
Catherine Lemann, President of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) has announced the winners of the 2010 AALL awards that will be presented at the AALL Annual Meeting in Denver. These awards provide recognition to achievements of law librarians based on services to the library profession and contributions to legal literature and materials. AALL is to be commended for this Awards Program. We offer our congratulations to all the winners.
Here is a list of the AALL Awards and nmes of the recipients::
The Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award
Panel Presentation: Recent Trends in White Collar Prosecutions
Presented by the ABA Criminal Justice Section White Collar Crime Committee Mid-Atlantic Region Subcommittee:
This panel will address the most recent developments in White Collar prosecutions in New Jersey. The Honorable Paul Fishman will describe the challenges facing the United States Attorney’s Office and new initiatives. Seasoned defense and in-house counsel will give their perspectives on recent trends
Search and Seizure Evidence in the Computer Age: Fourth Amendment Implications
A program presented by the state trial judges during the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association in San Francisco at the Marriott Marquis On August 5, from 1:30-4:30 p.m..
Attendees registered for the 2010 ABA Annual Meeting are invited to join the National Conference of State Trial Judges for an in-depth look at search and seizure of digital evidence and the Fourth Amendment implications. This program is designed to provide an understanding of the sources and types of digital evidence encountered in modern litigation, including the introduction of meta data; examine the approaches courts take to address the search and seizure of digital evidence; explore cutting-edge issues such as search and seizure considerations with cell phones, e-mails, virtual worlds, and the like; and discuss judicial management of cyber-crime cases.
The program will end with a final segment titled “Technology Tools for Judges,” that focuses on digital tools available for judges to use while dealing with electronic documents and data, and metadata, now so prevalent in the courts. Participants will learn the components of Knowledge Management systems, how security issues have been treated, and the relative merits of generic search systems vs. legalspecific systems.
New York Internet Symposium; Dot NYC – How Are We Doing?
The Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) has for some years been following the .nyc and ICANN process on behalf of the NYC community and will, on Saturday April 10 2010, host a symposium “dot nyc – How are we doing?” at NYU. Vendors Eric Brunner-Williams of CORE Internet Council of Registrars and Antony Van Couvering of Minds +
Machines will reveal details of their proposals to the City, after which there will be a discussion “What’s it for?” about possible applications – civic, community, commercial, and “outside the box” –
for a local top level domain.