Articles Posted in Conferences, Seminars and Webinars

Presented by the ABA Criminal Justice Section White Collar Crime Committee Mid-Atlantic Region Subcommittee:

This panel will address the most recent developments in White Collar prosecutions in New Jersey. The Honorable Paul Fishman will describe the challenges facing the United States Attorney’s Office and new initiatives. Seasoned defense and in-house counsel will give their perspectives on recent trends


A program presented by the state trial judges during the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association in San Francisco at the Marriott Marquis On August 5, from 1:30-4:30 p.m..

Attendees registered for the 2010 ABA Annual Meeting are invited to join the National Conference of State Trial Judges for an in-depth look at search and seizure of digital evidence and the Fourth Amendment implications. This program is designed to provide an understanding of the sources and types of digital evidence encountered in modern litigation, including the introduction of meta data; examine the approaches courts take to address the search and seizure of digital evidence; explore cutting-edge issues such as search and seizure considerations with cell phones, e-mails, virtual worlds, and the like; and discuss judicial management of cyber-crime cases.

The program will end with a final segment titled “Technology Tools for Judges,” that focuses on digital tools available for judges to use while dealing with electronic documents and data, and metadata, now so prevalent in the courts. Participants will learn the components of Knowledge Management systems, how security issues have been treated, and the relative merits of generic search systems vs. legalspecific systems.

The Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) has for some years been following the .nyc and ICANN process on behalf of the NYC community and will, on Saturday April 10 2010, host a symposium “dot nyc – How are we doing?” at NYU. Vendors Eric Brunner-Williams of CORE Internet Council of Registrars and Antony Van Couvering of Minds +

Machines will reveal details of their proposals to the City, after which there will be a discussion “What’s it for?” about possible applications – civic, community, commercial, and “outside the box” –

for a local top level domain.

The third annual IP Business Congress (IPBC) is taking place at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel, Munich’s premium five-star hotel, between 20th and 22nd June 2010.

The super early-bird discount price for the IPBC expires this Friday 22nd January. If you register by the end of Friday, the registration fee is reduced from €1,500 to just €995, risk free. To take advantage of this offer please click here.

With close to 200 senior-level attendees already confirmed, the event is once again proving incredibly popular and is well on its way to reaching capacity. With a host of cutting-edge thought-leaders already confirmed as speakers and sponsorship from Thomson Reuters, Philips and General Electric, among many others, the IPBC is shaping up to be the networking opportunity for the movers and shakers in the IP world in 2010.

There are a variety of webcasts of lecture series both law-related and general interest available from courts, law libraries, public libraries, and other organizations. Below is a non-comprehensive listing of links to transcripts and related videos (if available) of various types of programs compiled by our Senior Law Librarian for Public Access, Theodore Pollack. These programs are free and accessible via the Internet.

New York Court of Appeals webcasts of lectures and arguments:

February 29, 2008

A number of people who have distinguihed themselves in the legal profession have also been quite successful as poets. Wallace Stevens comes to mind. That brings me to the poetry of Professor Lawrence Joseph, Reverend Joseph P. Tinnelly, C.M. Professor of Law, which was the subject of the 2008 Law and Literature Symposium, “Some Sort of Chronicler I Am: Narration and the Poetry of Lawrence Joseph,” on February 29, 2008, at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. The Symposium was put together by the University of Cincinnati Law Review. Professor Joseph was joined in the Symposium by a group of distinguished legal and literary scholars who used Professor Joseph’s poetry as a starting point to explore the nature of narration in poetry and its relationship to the language of law, and other forms of narration and language. The Symposium has been published in 77 Cincinnati Law Review. Number 3 Spring 2009. To help illustrate the depth and range of topics covered in the Symposium, here is al list of papers and their contributors included in the 77 Cincinnati Law Review symposium issue:

Narrating Justice ….. Joseph P. Tomain

With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the National Center for State Courts, the Center-hosted Self-Represented Litigation Network, in cooperation with the Legal Services Corporation, is presenting:

A Training on Public Libraries and Access to Justice January 11-12, 2010, Austin, Texas

Information on Application Process

The American Bar Association (ABA), Criminal Justice Section has just published its Fall 2009 Newsletter, Volume 18 Issue 1 Fall 2009. This issue covers a variety of topics including: Practice Tips – Sexting: Balancing the Law and Bad Choices, Three Questions with Charles Hynes, Section Member News, New Books, News from the Field, and Ethics. Also included is a reminder that the ABA Criminal Justice Section Fall Meeting will be held in Washington DC November 5-8, 2009.

On October 9, 2009 an Op-Ed article, A LIBRARY TO LAST FOREVER, by Sergey Brin, Co-Founder and President, Technology of Google Inc. was published in the New York which he discusses Google’s rationale for their book project. For the informaation I am including in this post the two final paragraphs of his article, a link to the article itself, and some randomly selected comments in response to his article. Accoring to Mr. Brin: “Google’s books project is a win-win for authors, publishers and Google, but the real winners are readers, who will have access to an expanded world of books” Others are not so sure.


“In the Insurance Year Book 1880-1881, which I found on Google Books, Cornelius Walford chronicles the destruction of dozens of libraries and millions of books, in the hope that such a record will “impress the necessity of something being done” to preserve them. The famous library at Alexandria burned three times, in 48 B.C., A.D. 273 and A.D. 640, as did the Library of Congress, where a fire in 1851 destroyed two-thirds of the collection.

As we becme increasingly dependant on information transmitted and stored in digital formats, ssues related to cybercrime are rapidly becoming central to all areas of the law. This is not stated as a criticism but rather as a fact that must be addressed by whatever means possible, including programs such as the one described below::

The White House announces a Cyberspace Policy review, proclaims a national security concern and appoints a czar; the FTC is about to issue “Red Flag” ID-theft compliance plan mandates; the Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (CHIPS) units at DOJ and various U.S. Attorney’s Offices are gearing up; and “hacking” and HIPAA prosecutions are on the rise. Get the picture?

Whether you provide compliance/governance advice to corporations, counsel corporations about data breach crisis-response, or defend individuals, getting up to speed on where we are and where we are going is critical. An experienced panel of prosecutors, defense lawyers and cyber-experts will discuss these and other issues.

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