Today 1/19 we received the following posting from Deborah Kilroe of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announcing the release of its budget outlook on February 7. We are forwarding this announcement as a service to our readers:
The Congressional Budget Office will release The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034 at 2:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 7. In December 2023, CBO released details about its forthcoming economic projections, focusing on the near term. Next month’s report will include the agency’s full 10-year economic forecast, as well as its updated 10-year budget projections. CBO last published budget projections in May 2023.
A briefing for credentialed members of the press will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on February 7. CBO’s Director, Phillip Swagel, will make brief remarks and then answer questions about the report. More information about the briefing will soon be available on CBO’s press page.