Articles Posted in Information Technology

Vembu, Sridhar, “Annother View: Why Google Won’t Focus on Business Software”, Government Computer News. (September 27, 2008).

“So what is Google’s plan? It is fairly obvious the company is in it to put Microsoft on the defensive on its home turf, to diminish that company’s offensive capability in the Internet. It is also perfectly clear why Microsoft wants to be an Internet player: as Google has shown, it is a higher-margin business even than its monopoly-profit core business.

So why is business software so much less profitable than the Internet? I can think of two reasons: 1) purchasing departments that know a thing or two about supplier margins and specialize in putting the squeeze on them and 2) sales and support costs, particularly support costs. When you sell software to businesses, they have all kinds of support expectations, which add to headcount. A search engine or a news portal isn’t expected to provide any customer support…”

Legislator’s Son at Center of Sarah Palin Hack Talk, Report Says
“Tennessee Rep. Mike Kernell says that his son, David Kernell, is at the center of speculation about the identity of the hacker who gained access to Palin’s account.”

From: CIO Insider News, September 2008

One of the historic functions of libraries has been preserving and providing access to information in various media. In many ways, digitization of information has positively altered the information landscape. However, with the dynamic nature of such information, vital information preservation issues arise.

In a timely September 13, 2008, New York Times article by Robert Pear that is entitled “In Digital Age, Federal Files Blip Into Oblivion,” the issue of institutional preservation of digital information is addressed. The author maintains that many federal records created by email, word processing, or posting on the Internet are being lost to history. This is due to federal employees failing to preserve such material due to the incredible volume being generated. Dramatic examples of these preservation issues include, the appearance of non-functioning links on government websites and removal of important reports such as those critical of the Bush administration.

There is another concern about information loss not addressed directly in Robert Pear’s article. The issue Mr. Pear raises regarding the apparent failure of federal employees to implement adequate procedures to preserve the huge amounts of significant digital materials being generated may also relate to the ongoing necessary maintenance of such information to keep it trustworthy and authentic. No matter how carefully information in digital formats is maintained on an ongoing basis there is always a possibility that it may become corrupted or otherwise tainted, making it untrustworthy and therefore “lost” in terms of its value and relevancy to users. The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) is very concerned about this issue because the trustworthiness of all online legal resources, including federal. is fundamental to permanent public access and is inherently a matter of great concern to the legal community

From: Government Computer News, September 19, 2008.

InfoWorld breaks down the highlightsand the lowlightsfor the Mozilla Firefox 3.1, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Web browsers. and lowlights of each offering and where it stands as far as a full release”.

From: CIO Insider, Posting by Esther Schindler, August 26, 2008.

Sharing Microsoft Office Files the Easy Way: A Five Minute Productivity Tip

“Need to create a report or presentation with the input of several people? Don’t e-mail that large file to all the participants. Microsoft Office makes it simple to share Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents over the corporate network.”

Here are some questions and responses about Twitter. I have followed the usual practice of deleting any personal information about any of the respondents. That being said I have already found these responses very useful and would like to share them with readers of this blog.

David Badertscher



“I am looking for any courts that have a video system that displays the docket or room assignments for patrons of the court. I looking for any specs that you have in place. For instance are you using LCD TV screens or just normal computer screens. Do you have a system that is doing real time updates or do you have set times to up the list? ”

“Do you have a scrolling list or a static display with the screen changing every x seconds?”

From: CIO Insider, August 15, 2008. Posting by Mark Cummuta in CIO: Best Practices
The Impact of Globalization on Executive Job Searches

“After meeting an Australian business consultant known for his research on globalization, CIO Job Search author Mark Cummuta begins to realize why his search has been so arduous. It’s not just the weak economy that’s been making it difficult for Mark and others to find executive jobs. Much larger economic forces are at work: ‘Major shifts in global corporate ownership are rippling downstream, affecting enterprises’ hierarchical structures, executive roles and hiring criteria,’ he writes”.

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