Articles Posted in Information Technology

BY: Molly E. Holzschlag

“Losing tens of thousands of dollars is something we all want to avoid. Yet in today’s confusing world of Web development, it’s a daily occurrence, says Web doyenne Molly Holzschlag”.

“The problem, as many CIOs learn after being burned, can be solved by gaining a better understanding of what to look for in a Web design and development company, how to ask for it and how to ensure that what you pay for is really what you need.”

The Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL) is one of the sponssors and will be participating in this Conference:

NINTH Southern African Online Information Meeting

Tuesday 3rd of June to Thursday 5th of June 2008 CSIR Conference Centre

The following is from TechnoLawyer Newswire,- April 16, 2008:

Traditionally, the software industry presented law firms with a dilemma – single-task best-of-breed programs or easier to manage but lower quality all-in-one programs. And then came the suite, which offers best-in-class programs designed to work together.

Corel’s new suite, Corel WordPerfect Office X4, seeks to take the suite where it has never ventured before with new features and programs that eliminate the need to purchase standalone programs from other companies.


“(Mark Diamond) – Litigation always, has been, and will continue to be, a reality of doing business. What is changing, however, is discovery and its focus on electronically stored information (often abbreviated ESI). Recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure concerning the discovery of ESI coupled with the explosive growth of electronically stored documents are exposing organizations to new risks and costs during litigation and the subsequent discovery”
__________________________ From: Findlaw, Modern Practice Newsletter, April 11, 2008

Writing in the April/May 2008 issue of State Tech: Technology Insights for Leaders in State and Local Government, Michele Hope concludes by writing: “Only time and a few real-world installations will tell.” Here are some excerpts from Michele’s article:


“The first commercial holographic storage products are slated for release in mid-2008. With first-generation products boasting write-once, read many (WORM) characteristics, a lifespan of 50-pls years, initial disk capacities of 300 gigabytes per disk and a 20 magabyte-per-second data rate, proponents are aiming this technology at the long term archival needs of government entities, highly regulated health-care and medical organizations, and professional media and film industries

With spam and virus attacks at record levels, and spammers using increasingly sophisticated techniques, Google commissioned Osterman Research to conduct a study of organizations to assess the performance of their on-demand and on-premise email security solutions. Osterman Research shares what they uncovered in their research of companies using Google Message Security compared to companies using other solutions.

Click here to download complete paper


“I am in the process of trying to convert to a less paper driven office. We have occasion to verify information on Web pages and typically copied it and placed it in the hard file. I cannot seem to save it to a file on the computer and view it after the fact. Any suggestions? I have tried copy and paste and send it to.”


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