Articles Posted in Information Technology

The internet, a vast tapestry of information and connection, stands on the cusp of a transformative era. Artificial intelligence (AI), with its ability to analyze, learn, and adapt, is poised to usher in a fundamental change in how we experience the digital world. This article will delve into the multifaceted impact of AI on the internet’s future, exploring both the potential benefits and challenges. While most observations will be general, a specific paragraph will be devoted to law libraries

Faster and more efficient data transmission:

AI-powered networks can transmit data more quickly and efficiently, which could lead to faster download and upload speeds and reduced latency.

Although retired as an active law librarian, I try to keep up with current developments by maintaining memberships in AALL, SLA, ABA, and maintaining contacts with friends currently active in the profession. I also have been publishing articles on the Criminal Law Library Blog since 2007 on various subjects, including those related to law, law librarians, and artificial intelligence.

I am grateful to have been able to maintain all of these relationships through the years and hope the below article will help my professional colleagues realize the potential of AI as a powerful ally. In my view, AI has the potential to revolutionize the services provided by law librarians through various means including those outlined below.

  1. Enhanced Legal Research

Law libraries are undergoing a transformation fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI isn’t replacing librarians, it’s becoming a powerful tool that’s changing how legal research is conducted and how libraries serve their patrons.

The history of artificial intelligence in law libraries is a fascinating journey marked by technological evolution, legal industry demands, and the gradual integration of advanced tools to support legal research, information management, and decision-making processes. Here’s a historical overview of this subject:

Early Beginnings and Development

We received the following message from Google  regarding subscription updates to Google One scheduled to begin on May 15 and are forwarding it to our readers for their convenience:

“We’re writing to let you know about some updates coming to your Google One subscription starting on ‌M‌a‌y‌ ‌1‌5‌. These changes are designed to streamline your benefits while ensuring you have a valuable subscription experience.

Key changes:

According to Paul Thurott, award winning technology journalist and blogger, Microsoft has revealed ” that it will support the classic version of Outlook for Windows through at least 2029, which should placate those commercial customers who are concerned about the lackluster quality of the new Outlook. That said, the new Outlook will soon reach general availability (GA), and when that milestone occurs, it will replace the classic app in new Microsoft 365 installs”.

“ ‘Currently, the new Outlook for Windows is available for preview for commercial customers and is getting closer to readiness for General Availability,” Microsoft’s Margie Clinton writes in the announcement post. ‘“The migration will be a multi-year journey delivering more capabilities in new Outlook, working with customers assessing feedback and readiness, and providing admin guides and tools to ensure customers have what they need to prepare accordingly.’ ”

Microsoft has sponsored and published a valuable collection of essays on the future of AI written by a  group of experts, with specialties encompassing a broad spectrum—spanning the fields of business, economics, education, engineering, healthcare, history, law, mathematics, medicine, mental health, psychology, and the sciences—to explore the capabilities of GPT-4 before its public release and provide their insightful reflections” on the future of AI. The collection includes an Introduction, Reflections on AI and the Future of Human Flourishing. by Eric Horvitz, Chief Scientist at Microsoft.

Experts who participated  in this project were asked to consider the following two questions when preparing their essays:

How might this technology and its successors contribute to human flourishing?

Between December 3, 2023, and January 3, 2024, LexisNexis Legal and Professional conducted a survey across 266 Managing Partners and other leaders at American Law 200 and other large law firms. Nearly a third of the executives surveyed indicated their firms had a dedicated budget for generative AI for 2024 and almost 90% indicated they expect their investment in generative AI to increase over the next five years. “Findings include results from 114 executives across 68 Am Law 200 firms, 102 executives across 79 other  large law firms, and 50 executives across 44 Fortune 1000 companies. Firms recognize the potential return on their investment, with 47% believing generative AI technology will decrease costs and 30% believing it will increase revenue. Nearly half of executives are exploring new business opportunities made possible by the technology (47%).” Surveys were conducted in English via the Forsta  survey platform.

For more details regarding survey findings,  Click here  to view the Executive Summary (an overview),  Findings (Full Survey Results), an Appendix, and a discussion of the methodology.


The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal year for Artificial Intelligence (AI), with advancements across various sectors and a growing focus on real-world applications. Here are some predictions taken from various sources including my own expressing a variety of opinions as to what we can expect in the near future. The predictions are grouped into six broad categories: Widespread Integration, Generative AI, Practical Applications and Explanability, Health Care, Legal and Ethical Considerations, and Emerging Trends, followed by a list of references to materials discussing various aspects of the topic. For those who may be less familiar with AI, I have also included under References a citation to a posting by Bill Gates that can be read as a general introduction.

  1. Widespread Integration of AI:
  • AI will become increasingly ubiquitous, seamlessly integrated into homes, businesses, and everyday activities. This could range from personalized AI assistants to smart homes that anticipate your needs.

Message From the Internet Society:

As 2023 comes to a close, we’re thinking a lot about what lies ahead for 2024. How many of the 2.6 million people who are unconnected get Internet access next year? How many of the threats to the Internet from governments and corporations around the world be mitigated?

Luckily for us—and the Internet—you’re a part of our global community and you have the power to make a difference. Here are some of the ways you can impact the growth and protection of the Internet next year:

Judge Scott U. Schlegel of the Fifth Circuit Court of the State of Louisiana currently serves as Chair of the Louisiana Supreme Court Technology Commission, and is recognized as a pioneer in using technology in the Louisiana State Courts. He has managed what is considered by many to be one of the most advanced technology courts in the nation in terms of delivering online justice.

According to the Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals of the State of Louisiana website,  “he is the Immediate Past President of the Louisiana District Judges Association (LDJA) and serves on many other committees. Judge Schlegel has received numerous awards including the National Center for State Courts’ 26th Annual William H. Rehnquist Award for Judicial Excellence, one of the highest judicial honors in the country. Judge Schlegel was also featured on the cover of the American Bar Association Journal and is a nationally recognized speaker on legal tech and the modernization of the justice system including matters related to artificial intelligence and the law,”

Judge Schlegel has also been appointed as a member of the Advisory Council of the ABA Taskforce on Law and Artificial Intelligence in recognition of  his efforts to understand and communicate the important issues and challenges related law and artificial intelligence.  On November 28,2023, Judge Schlegel wrote the following open letter which we think is an important addition to this discourse and needs to be distributed widely. Therefore we are reproducing Judge Schlegel’s letter, titled A Call for Education Over Regulation An Open Letter in full and hope you will find it helpful:

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