Articles Posted in Technology News

Since the beginning of the last century when physicists determined that light could be considered as consisting of particles (photons) as well as waves, there have been efforts, with varying degrees of success, to use light to further the development of technology and communications. One of the latest attempts as reported by Judge Herbert Dixon Jr. in a recent e-mail involves fascinating research by Intel to develop a new optical interconnect using Light Peak optical technology to link mobile devices to displays and storage up to 100 meters away. The technology uses light to provide communication between data systems and devices associated with PCs at speeds up to 10 gigabits per second..

Judge Dixon reports that: Current cable technology uses electricity to transfer data which limits the speed and length of the transmission. Using Light Peak as the platform (containing a controller chip and an optical module), electricity is converted to light, increasing transmission length. Light Peak also retains the quality of high-definition video displays from transmissions over several meters. It can transfer full length Blu-Ray movies in less than 30 seconds, and runs multiple protocols simultaneously over a single cable..

Click here for added discussion about this technology.

White Paper by Nelson Reust and Danielle Reust

The authors write: ” Migration to Windows 7 is a future reality for most. With XP approaching its end of life, and many organizations choosing to skip Vista as an interim step, the new Windows 7 release holds the promise of new features and benefits that include added security, improved manageability and enhanced ease of use. Regardless of the starting point, a migration to Windows 7 is a path that holds as many questions and challenges as it does potential rewards. Planning now can ensure a smooth transition in 2010.”

Click here to see the complete paper.

Rick Snow of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has just announced that results of the NCSC e-filing survey conducted earlier this year are available at . Also, a brief summary of the findings is available on our Court Technology Bulletin at .

He writes: “We hope you find the results useful. If you have further questions regarding the survey, or would like to respond to the survey for your court or state, please contact Jim McMillan ( or Rick Snow (”

By Brett Burney Principal Burney Consultants LLC

We are proud to reprint the following article “The Emerging Field of Electronic Discovery Project Management” which first appeared as a TechnoLawyer TechnoFeature exclusive on September 1. It is being reprinted here with the written permission of both the author Brett Burney, a world recognized authority on issues related to bridging the chasm between the legal and technical frontiers of electronic discovery, and Technolawyer. Whether acknowledged or not we are living in an age of electronic discovery and must learn to cope with its challenges,which requires authorative, updated information such as that provided in Mr. Burney’s article. The complete article is presented as a pdf file provided by TechnoLawyer which can be read by clicking on the link following some introductroy material from the article we have provided below for your convenience.


According to a report by Matthew Weigett in the September 4, 2009 Federal Computer Week, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, DC has held that Mircosoft can keep selling its Word software in the United States. Microsoft had filed an emergency motion with the court to stay a ruling by Judge Leonard Davis of the U.S. District Court for Eastern Texas that ordered to the company to stop selling Word in the United States and to also pay the plaintiff i4i, a Toronto based software developer, over $290 million in damages and interest. The motion to stay has been granted, allowing Word sales in the U.S. to continue while the infringement lawsuit is appealed. The appeal is scheduled for September 23.

Volume 2 Number 8 August 2009.

From the Desk of David G. Badertscher

Mmmm… cookies – chocolate chip and oatmeal with raisins! Cookies are one of the most popular snacks that exist today. Did you know you can get “browser” cookies almost every time you go on the Internet? These cookies help with Internet commerce, allow quicker access to web sites, or can personalize your browsing experience. However, there are some privacy and security issues to be aware of, so it is important to understand the purpose of a “browser” cookie and manage their use on your computer appropriately. This tip will help you understand what a “browser” cookie is, what it is used for and what risks might be associated with using cookies.

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