Articles Posted in Library Reference and Research

During this past week (week ending August 18,2023) we have received listings of 33 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  80 Constitutional Law summaries and 82 Criminal Law Summaries .  We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible in order to keep blog readers updated.  To gain access to these case summaries, click on the corresponding links below:

Opinion Summaries Posted for Week Ending August 18, 2023:

Criminal Law Opinion Summaries

H.R. 3874, Veterans Education Assistance Improvement Act

As ordered reported  by the House Committee on Veterans Affairs on July 26 2023.

H.R. 3874 would make changes to education benefit programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The costs of those programs are paid from mandatory appropriations. Enacting the bill would decrease net direct spending by $5 million over the 2023-2033 period, CBO estimates.

During this past week (week ending August 11,2023) we have received listings of 33 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  76 Constitutional Law summaries and 79 Criminal Law Summaries .  We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible in order to keep blog readers updated.  To gain access to these case summaries, click on the corresponding links below:

Opinion Summaries Posted for Week Ending August 11, 2023:

Criminal Law Opinion Summaries

The federal budget deficit was $1.6 trillion in the first 10 months of fiscal year 2023, the Congressional Budget Office estimates—more than twice the shortfall recorded during the same period last year. Revenues were 10 percent lower and outlays were 10 percent higher from October through July than they were during the same period in fiscal year 2022.


The federal budget deficit was $1.6 trillion in the first 10 months of fiscal year 2023, the Congressional Budget Office estimates—more than twice the shortfall recorded during the same period last year. Revenues were 10 percent lower and outlays were 10 percent higher from October through July than they were during the same period in fiscal year 2022.

Report: August 4, 2023.

On July 12, 2023, the Senate Committee on the Budget convened a hearing at which Phillip L. Swagel, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, testified about Social Security’s finances. After the hearing, Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse, Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, and Senator Ron Wyden submitted questions for the record. This document provides CBO’s answers.

Full Text of Document Providing CBO’s Answers to questions submitted.

August 4, 2023.

As ordered Reported  by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on July 12, 2023.


During this past week (week ending August 4,2023) we have received listings of 31 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  76 Constitutional Law summaries and 75 Criminal Law Summaries .  We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible in order to keep blog readers updated.  To gain access to these case summaries, click on the corresponding links below:

Opinion Summaries Posted for Week Ending August 4, 2023:

Criminal Law Opinion Summaries

During this past week (week ending July 28,2023) we have received listings of 28 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  70 Constitutional Law summaries and 65 Criminal Law Summaries .  We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible in order to keep blog readers updated.  To gain access to these case summaries, click on the corresponding links below:

Opinion Summaries Posted for Week Ending July 28, 2023:

Criminal Law Opinion Summaries

Originally posted by John McClellan et. al. on July 25, 2023.

As part of the legislative process, the Congressional Budget Office* supplies the Congress with cost estimates for legislation, economic and budget projections, and other economic assessments. Information from the research community is an important element of CBO’s analyses. This is the seventh in a series of blog posts discussing research that would enhance the quality of the information that CBO uses in its work. (Earlier posts in the series discussed the need for new research in the areas of energy and the environmentfinancehealthlabormacroeconomics, and national security.) Please send comments to Since this CBO blog post is believed to contain information of general interest it is being reproduced here, in full, as an information service.

CBO regularly provides the Congress with information about the ways that the government’s tax and transfer system affects the distribution of household income (for example, CBO 2022). That analysis is built on the models and data underlying the agency’s baseline projections of revenues and spending (CBO 2023). CBO is on the lookout for new research that would enhance its analysis of taxes and transfers, including research related to distributional analysis and projections of revenues from business income. The agency is currently working on those topics, and there are significant gaps in the relevant research literature.

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