Articles Posted in Library Technical Services

Search limited to forthcoming hardcover books published in english:

Criminal Justice in China: A History

Author: Mühlhahn, Klaus Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN or UPC: 0-674-03323-X (Active Record)

From: Lori Hedstrom, Marketing Manager, Librarian Relations, West a Thomson Reuters Business:

Starting with the January 2009 issue (volume 10, number 1), Practice Innovations was converted to an electronic format. In part, this was done in accord with Thomson Reuters’ “going green” initiative; however, we also want to take full advantage of the technology offered in an electronic newsletter. Besides the obvious benefits of receiving information electronically-being able to review, sort, and save articles of interest-we also plan to enrich Practice Innovations by adding links to related information. If an article cites a law firm’s Web page, we can provide a link to the page; if an author refers to relevant information available on the Web, we can link you directly to that information.

Sign up here to receive Practice Innovations, or any of our other electronic newsletters, directly to your e-mail box.

The Legal Division Quarterly is the Newsletter of the Legal Division of the Special Libraries Association:

The 2009 Winter/Spring issue of the Legal Division Quarterly is now online at:

The New York Appellate Division Fourth Department Law Library has just announced in the Spring 2009 issue of their Law Library Newsletter rolling the introduction of a new online catalog. It will be rolled out during the month of March.

The move to a new system was prompted by the end of vendor development and support for the Horizon software, which has been in use by the library since 2000. The Appellate Division Law Library will launch its own system, CeLLO (Court Law Library Online), and the Supreme Court libraries around the state will launch a different system.

According to library staff, one key advantage to having their own system is that when searching the catalog, users will be able to only pull up titles owned by their library. In the current setup, users often found titles that were not owned by their library, but owned by other law libraries around the state

Legal Information Systems & Legal Informatics Resources, , has been updated with new content. This site aggregates resources of interest to those conducting research on legal information systems. Materials listed include the following:

• Articles, Preprints, Journals, Blogs, and Indexes • Conferences and Conference Proceedings • Dissertations & Theses • Departments, Research Centers, Research Projects, and Organizations • Copyright, Licensing, and Open Access • Metadata, Knowledge Representation, and Systems Design • Preservation • Digital Libraries & Institutional Repositories • CALR & Publishers • Knowledge Management • Court Technology • Law Practice Technology
Comments and suggestions are welcome. Richard can be contacted at .

Georgia K. Briscoe* of the University of Colorado School of Law Library has sent the following announcement which we are please to post here for the benefit of all law librarians and perhaps some others as well. Here is her announcement:

In case you haven’t heard, there is a new online SSRN journal which academic technical services librarians will find useful. LEGAL INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY eJOURNAL is edited by Randy Diamond and Lee Peoples. I am pleased to be a member of the editorial board representing technical services issues. The archive already includes over 150 papers and is growing daily. This ejournal provides another avenue for TS librarians to publish.

Subscribers to SSRN will soon start receiving email issues announcing works in progress and recent publications. SSRN will issue a formal announcement soon, but the editors are pleased to provide a pre-launch viewing. Detailed information from Randy and Lee follows. I hope you will check out this new opportunity for professional growth and development.

Rob Richards an in independent law librarian and legal information consultant based in Philadelphia has pub together a Website listing resources useful in creating metadata for digital legal materials . According to Mr. Richards, “the site is intended for use by researchers studying legal information systems and by librarians building digital libraries of legal materials…” As he explains: “…I wasn’t able to find a pathfinder for people new to the study of legal information systems…, so I wrote my own, and then put it on a Website in hopes that it might be helpful to others. Suggestions and comments are welcome.” He can be contacted at

Here are the links to his site:, and links to legal scholarly respositories, (listing only stand-alone repositories of legal materials),

George Prager, Head of Cataloging at New York University Law School Library has sent his summary of the ALA Midwinter MARBI meetings to members of the American Association of Law Libraries Technical Services Special Interest Group. With his permission I am also posting it here along with his opening comments:


I have added a brief summary of each proposal and discussion paper presented at the American Library Association Midwinter MARBI Meetings, whhich took place January 24-25, 2009. A more detailed analysis of the papers will be available in my 2008/2009 Annual report, which will appear on the TSIS Website shortly before the AALL 2009 Annual Meeting, and later in TSLL.

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