Articles Posted in Library Technical Services

A list of forthcoming books scheduled for publication in 2008 selected from a subject search of BIP Professional on October 9, 2008:

Enforcing the Law: Police and Society

Author: Publisher: Wadsworth ISBN or UPC: 0-534-62343-3 (Active Record)

U.S. Federal agencies join together to define digitization guidelines. For more information see the complete posting entry on the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Washington Blawg

The following is from a letter announcing that Taylor & Franis Group has recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press:

Taylor & Francis Group recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press. I am writing to give you advance notification of our schedule for migrating the ejournals from to to allow for a smooth platform transition for you and your users.

Timeline From November 2008 we will begin to load journal titles formerly published by Haworth Press to From this point, no new content with a 2009 volume year will be added to, nor will any new accounts be created on the site. We expect this load to be complete by mid-December, and for all Haworth content to be available on informaworld from this point.

An e-newsletter of the American Library Association

Trenton library plans to close all its branches

A potential citywide budget deficit of as much as $28 million has led the Trenton (N.J.) Public Library to develop plans to close all four of its neighborhood branches. Library Director Kimberly Bray announced the library board’s decision, which followed an across-the-board 10% cut in funding to all city departments, in an email to staff September 10. Some 60 residents attended a September 23 city council meeting devoted to the closings-the third such meeting held over eight days-at which Bray described three options, all requiring staff layoffs….

Law Library Association of Maryland Newsletter

No password required. Please be patient if the document takes a little while to open.

The e-newsletter of the American Library Association*.

Critics revisit library incident that paints Palin as censor

“Journalists and bloggers scrutinizing Sarah Palin’s record of public service have made national news out of a 1996 library incident in Wasilla, Alaska, where the Republican vice-presidential nominee was then mayor. The story that has emerged-in countless reports, from the blogosphere to the New York Times-paints Palin as a would-be censor and then–city librarian Mary Ellen Emmons as nearly losing her job for disagreeing….”

Here are some questions and responses about Twitter. I have followed the usual practice of deleting any personal information about any of the respondents. That being said I have already found these responses very useful and would like to share them with readers of this blog.

David Badertscher


The e-newsletter of the American Library Association ALA.*

IFLA Conference showcases Québecois culture

“Canada played host to the 74th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, August 10–14, in Québec. The annual IFLA conference is the largest and most diverse international gathering of library and information science professionals in the world. The five-day conference offered more than 3,280 delegates from 150 nations an opportunity to meet colleagues from around the globe, to hone their skills at 224 sessions, and to enjoy the cultural offerings of the host city. Kicking off an elaborate opening session, Canadian Governor General Michaëlle Jean (right) welcomed the delegates to the 400th anniversary celebration of the founding of Québec City….”

The eNewsletter of the American Library Association (ALA): July 23, 2008.

Child Online Protection Act gets third strike

“After a decade of federal litigation and two decisions that were returned to lower courts from the Supreme Court for further review, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals July 22 unanimously declared unconstitutional for the third time the Child Online Protection Act of 1998 on First and Fifth Amendment grounds. ‘The government has no more right to censor the internet than it does books and magazines,’ Chris Hansen, ACLU senior staff attorney, remarked after the ruling was handed down….”

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