Articles Posted in News from Organizations

As announced yesterday July 23, 2009, U.S. federal agents swept accross New Jersey and New York, charging 44 people (including mayors, rabbis and one alleged trafficker in human kidneys) of being involved in public corruption and international money laundering practices..

The following are links to some documents related to that two track investigation. For additional news and related information go to the U.S. Department of Justice website at:

Statement: Two Track Investigation of Political Corruption and International Money Laundering

Can the offering of goods and services such as Google searches free of charge be considered in violation of antitrust? Many librarians have expressed an interest in this issue. They are concerned about what any resolution of this question wll have on their continuing efforts to provide knowledge based goods and services (including new and enhanced products) in an increasingly financially constrained environment to patrons with ever increasing expectations. They want to be informed about what the producers and providers they depend on, such as Google, are thinking about this issue? Hence this postingl

In a July 10 posting on the Google Policy Blog Dana Wagner responds to comments by Chris Anderson, editor of Wired Magazine and author of the book Free in a piece Chris wrote for CNN and possibly to additional comments by Chris during his presentation at the Google D.C. office earlier in the week. In his D.C. presentation Chris explained how new business models and approaches to advertising will change the focus of global commerce.

What really seems to have caught Dana Wagner’s attention however is the following excerpt from Chris’s CNN piece:

In its 2009 session, the Wyoming Legislature passed the Transparency in Government Act making information as to how state funds are spent readily accessible to the public. The Act requires the creation of a public finance website by January 1, 2010. The website will provide free access to financial reports, financial audits, budgets or other financial documents that are used to allocate, appropriate, spend and account for government funds. The Act also directs that an archive of all information posted will be maintained.

From e-mail by Kathy Carlson, Wyoming State Law Librarian.

Below are Highlights of the ABA Criminal Justice Section 2009 Annual Meeting program schedule for Chicago, July 30 – August 2. Presentations include a wide range of programs of interest to children’s attorneys to white collar practitioners.

Highlights include:

Presidential Showcase Programs

Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 2009.

A publication of the Center for Elders and the Courts, National Center for State Courts.

“On behalf of the National Center for State Courts, welcome to the first edition of the CEC Sentinel. We live in challenging times. Simple demographic facts will soon impact every corner of America: There will be more older Americans than at any other time in history, living longer lives…”

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