Articles Posted in News from Organizations

Attacking Adverse Experts

Stephen D. Easton

“The is a step-by-step guide to investigating, evaluating, and attacking the adverse expert in civil cases. It outlines tactics you can use to gather information about the adverse expert, both in the discovery process and on your own to: take an effective expert deposition; evaluate the adverse expert’s analysis of the key issues; move to exclude his testimony; cross-examine him effectively when he testifies at trial; handle voir dire, opening statement, closing argument, and even to successfully handle appeals regarding experts. Includes CD-ROM of time-saving checklists and citations to dozens of critical rules, statutes, cases, and other law.”

FROM THE OFFICES OF LESLEY ELLEN HARRIS Copyright, New Media Law & E-Commerce News


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The fall issue of the State Court and County Law Libraries (SCCLL) Newsletter has been published at:

There is an inoperable hyperlink on page 12. The link to the article “Law Libraries Keep FOL in $titches” is:

PC World has named its ‘5 Sites That Will Boost Your Political Awareness.’ Included on this list are some very useful Web sites that many of you are probaly familiar with. Here is their list as posted by the American Association of Law Libraries Washington Blawg along with some helpful comments.:

The following list of documents covering the economy for the week ending October 10 was compiled by Basil Tilmon of Gallerywatch. We appreciate his efforts:

Letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller From Reps. Mark Kirk and Chris Carney

Letter Expresses a Need for More Resources to Investigate Corporate Fraud

Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) will share his unique insight and perspective on rates of incarceration, sentencing trends and alternatives, and recent legislation

Click for full Brochure: “

Sentencing Advocacy, Practice and Reform Institute

U.S. Federal agencies join together to define digitization guidelines. For more information see the complete posting entry on the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Washington Blawg

The following is from a letter announcing that Taylor & Franis Group has recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press:

Taylor & Francis Group recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press. I am writing to give you advance notification of our schedule for migrating the ejournals from to to allow for a smooth platform transition for you and your users.

Timeline From November 2008 we will begin to load journal titles formerly published by Haworth Press to From this point, no new content with a 2009 volume year will be added to, nor will any new accounts be created on the site. We expect this load to be complete by mid-December, and for all Haworth content to be available on informaworld from this point.

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