Articles Posted in News from Organizations

The Commission on Presidential Debates has partnered with MySpace to create a new Web site, This site will become available in the days leading up to the first Presidential debate on September 26. The more questions submitted, the more likely a library question will be asked. This is an opportunity for the library voice to become an important part of the 2008 Presidential election. Librarians need to submit questions to this web site in order for their voices to be heard.

The GD-SIS Publications Committee is proud to announce three new bibliographies ready for purchase.

1. State Documents Bibliography: Washington, DC (series # 3-74)

2. Selective Annotated Bibliography of Delaware State Documents and Other Resources Used in Delaware Legal Research (Series # 3-73)

This ABA voting information website,, is a project of the ABA Division for Public Education and the Standing Committee on Election Law, in cooperation with the Section of Administrative Law, the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, the Judicial Division, the Council on Racial and Ethnic Justice, and the Office of the President. It also provides materials for the bar including a call for attorneys to serve as nonpartisan election officials, Election Protection Project hotline volunteers and materials for the public that includes information on the importance of voting and how to register to vote.

All are encouraged to visit this new website.

September 2008

A special commission appointed by Hon. Judith S. Kaye, Chief Judge of the Courts in the State of New York, has issued a Report: Justice Most Local, The Future of Town and Village Courts in New York State, which recommends a significant consolidation of the “centuries-old” local court system.

Am excerpt from the Overview of Findings section of the Executive Summary”

Some of our readers have suggested it would be helpful to have copies of the full text of remarks of all four nominees at the 2008 Democratic and Republican Conventions held in late August and early September.

Thanks to both the democratic and republican parties we are able to do so by downloading these documents from their respective websites, listed chronologically by convention dates:

2008 Democratic National Convention, Official Site

Prior to the 2008 National Convention fo the Democratic Party we posted the Draft of the 2008 Platform of the Democratic Party. At that time we did not have comparable information from the Republican Party to post, even though we very much wanted to do so. To be fair and impartial we are now posting a link to the 2008 GOP platform as well.

Click here for access to the GOP platform and related information.

Lawyer Pay Being a Lawyer and Male Makes You a Top Earner, Census Report Shows

Sep 10, 2008, 06:57 am CDT

“The highest earners in 2007 were men in legal occupations, who earned a median salary in 2007 of $105,233, according to a Census Bureau report. The online report (PDF) issued in August shows women in legal occupations, which includes paralegal as well as lawyer positions, didn’t fare as well.”

This is not a political blog and we do not endorse people for office; but we do try to provide information in an impartial manner of interest to our readers. The following is a compilation of links from various sources throughout the web we have been able to identify quickly and links to documents we have obtained through subscriptions to and others. We are grateful to all for making this information accessible.

In compiling this small selection of items we have deliberately rejected sources that might sensationalize the issues surrounding Sarah Palin. That is not our purpose. Instead, we want to provide information that will help everyone to rationally to work through the issues in their own way during this election season.

Official Biography of Governor Palin

The Associated Press
“Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales mishandled highly classified notes about a secret counterterror program, says a memo by his legal team, which touches on one of the most contentious episodes of high-level infighting in the Bush administration’s war on terror. The memo acknowledges that Gonzales improperly stored notes about the program and might have taken them home at one point. Removing secret documents from specially secured rooms violates government policy.”

Findlaw has provided a link to the actual Report:

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