Articles Posted in News from Organizations

From: News from the New York State Archives, Region 1, August 2008

Changes in FOIL: The New York State Legislature has changed New York’s freedom of information law (FOIL). Below are some of the changes to the law which may affect how you manage your government’s records and information!

The legislation makes several amendments to §87 of the public officers law to provide guidelines for determining the actual cost of reproducing a public record when a copy of such a record is provided to the public under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and the traditional per page photocopy fee may not be applicable. A new paragraph (C) of subdivision 1 of §87 is added to provide that the public may and can only be charged an amount equal to the hourly salary attributed to the employee or employees required to produce a copy of the record and the actual cost of the storage device or media provided to the public in complying with the FOIL request, and the actual cost to a public agency of engaging an outside professional service to produce a copy of the record or records, if the agency needs to engage an outside entity in order to comply with the FOIL request.

From: The Internet Society Newsletter, July 31, 2008.

The blossoming of multimedia content on the Internet in recent years has revolutionised personal interactions, business communications, and other online services. But for millions of Internet users with sensory disabilities, many of the communication tools remain frustratingly out of their reach.

Arnoud van Wijk, Disability Projects Coordinator for the Internet Society (ISOC), who was born deaf, knows only too well the frustration Internet users with a disability experience from many current Internet services.

From: The 411: Newsletter of the Webby Awards, July 2008.

“We are pleased to announce that eight time 2008 Webby Award winner Arthur Sulzberger Jr., will deliver the opening keynote at WebbyConnect. As Company Chairman and Publisher, Sulzberger transformed The New York Times from a print business into a global Internet company, and will share his unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing digital media.”

‘More than 250 Webby Awards winners and Academy members will attend and participate in sessions over the course of the three-day summit from October 22 to 24 in beautiful Laguna Niguel, California. The list of over 20 confirmed speakers includes Matt Freeman, CEO GoFish, Betsy Morgan, CEO The Huffington Post, and David Karp, Founder of Tumblr.”

To see the” federal grand jury indictment of Alaskan Republican Senator Ted Stevens, charging him with concealing valuable gifts from an oil service company and its CEO on his congressional financial disclosure forms”, click here.
________________________________ From: Findlaw: Featured Documents, July 29, 2008.

.:: During the 2008 ABA Annual Meeting, the Judicial Division will be hosting several interesting educational programs for the judges, lawyers, and law students, including the following:

: ** National Conference of State Trial Judges 50th Anniversary Program

** A Swift Round-trip on Erie Railroad: State Law in Federal Courts; Federal Law in State Courts

From: Internet Society, New York. Announcement July 28, 2008.

On Wednesday, July 30th at 11:00am there will be a briefing from the Mayor’s Office and iamond Consultants for the Broadband Advisory Committee regarding the Bloomberg administration’s plans for bridging the digital divide in New York City.

The Broadband Advisory Committee was established in 2005 with the passage of Introduction 25-A creating a joint public broadband commission to advise the Mayor and the City Council of New York on how the resources of City government can be used to stimulate the private market so that residents and businesses of New York City have more options in terms of high-speed internet access. The goal of the committee is to educate the general public about broadband and the newest communication technologies, and to give New York City residents the opportunity to comment on how the digital divide in New York City can be closed. To support these efforts the Broadband Advisory Committee has held public Broadband Hearings in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. The Committee will hold its fifth and final hearing in Staten Island this fall.

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