Articles Posted in Publication Announcements and Reviews

The information below is from the Press Release announcing the Report, followed by a link to the complete Report:

Washington, D.C. – A new report from the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) on congressional Web sites says the overall quality “continues to be disappointing,” with more than 40% of congressional Web sites earning a substandard or failing grade. The report also contains recognition and praise for the best Web sites on Capitol Hill with the announcement of the winners of the 2007 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Mouse Awards.

“The good news is that 19 more offices won awards in 2007 than did in 2006, including 16 freshmen Members. The bad news is that there were 20 more D’s and F’s,” said Beverly Bell, Executive Director of CMF, a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded 30 years ago to promote a more effective Congress. “We were glad to see good sites getting better, but discouraged to see the bad getting worse.”

December 2007 Content Release

The December 2007 content release added 1.4 million pages of legal information to our collections, bringing the total number of pages in HeinOnline to more than 33 million. Below are descriptions of the more prominent content that was released.

Law Journal Library

This posting includes the Executive Summary followed by a link to the full text of the Final Report:

“The Working Group hopes that this Report is viewed as a ‘call to action’ that informs and broadens participation in discussion and debate, conveys a sense of urgency, stimulates collaboration, and catalyzes thoughtful and deliberate action. We anticipate broad discussion of the Report’s recommendations and their implications, and look forward to the development of specific implementation plans, research agendas, and educational programs.”

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In November 2006, Deanna Marcum, Associate Librarian for Library Services at the Library of Congress, convened a Working Group to examine the future of bibliographic control in the 21st century. The formal charge to the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control was to:

Top Ten Stories in January 4, 2008 issue:

Lawyer Pay Good-Looking Lawyers Make More Money, Researcher Says Jan 2, 2008, 08:31 am CST

“A researcher studying the impact of beauty has found that good-looking lawyers–like other professionals–make more money than their colleagues with lesser looks. Economist Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas based his conclusion on the photographs of graduates of an unnamed law school. Those rated attractive in the photos went.” Click here to see this article.

Personal Lives

How a Reed Smith Partner Learned Wealth, Power Were the Wrong Priorities Dec 17, 2007, 01:51 pm CST

A. Scott Bolden, a partner at Reed Smith in Washington, D.C., didn’t listen to his lawyers’ advice after an ex-girlfriend called him about his long-rumored daughter. The ex told Bolden shortly before Thanksgiving in 2001 that his daughter, Shayla, was turning 18 and needed him, Bolden recalls in a Washington Post article..

Criminal justice experts from around the country will descend upon Los Angeles on Feb. 7-9 for the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section’s 2008 Midyear Meeting. On Feb. 8 members can participate in CLE programs addressing among other issues how the “Jena 6” ordeal affected the public’s perception of the criminal justice system and what mediation and restorative justice could have done to prevent it, and the latest tactical approaches taken by both prosecutors and public defenders in DUI trials.

That same day, the CJS Innocence Subcommittee is pleased to announce that the Section is cosponsoring a symposium at Southwestern Law School entitled “Wrongful Convictions: Causes and Cures”.

Following the “Jena 6” and DUI programs, the Section will co-sponsor a joint reception celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the ABA Council on Legal Education Opportunity and the presentation of the Section’s inaugural Frank Carrington Victim Advocate Award presented in honor of Frank Carrington to the Carrington family.

Former senator George Mitchell released his Report on Performance Enhancing Drugs in Major League Baseball on Thursday December 13, 2007. Here is an excerpt from a news release on the Major League Baseball (MLB) website:

” — Former Sen. George Mitchell said on Thursday that performance-enhancing drug use has been pervasive in the sport for more than a decade as he released his findings in the shape of a 311-page report, which was fashioned during the past 20 months of investigations.”

” ‘Everyone involved in baseball shares responsibility,”‘Mitchell said during a news conference at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. ‘Commissioners, club officials, the Players Association and players. I can’t be any clearer than that.’ “

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