Search limited to forthcoming hardcover books published in english:
Criminal Justice in China: A History
Author: Mühlhahn, Klaus Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN or UPC: 0-674-03323-X (Active Record)
Search limited to forthcoming hardcover books published in english:
Criminal Justice in China: A History
Author: Mühlhahn, Klaus Publisher: Harvard University Press ISBN or UPC: 0-674-03323-X (Active Record)
From the ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division.
Effective Strategies for Litigators
Convincing the Judge: Practical Advice for Litigators
The new Information and Communications Index of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) compares developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) in 154 countries over a five year period from 2002 to 2007.
The Index combines 11 indicators into a single measure that can be
used as a benchmarking tool globally, regionally and at the country
Exaamines in detail the legal relationships that link criminal justice, mental health, and disability discrimination law.
Co-sponsored by ABA Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law and the ABA Criminal Justice Section _____________________________
The TS-SIS Awards Committee is pleased to announce that the recipient of the Renee D. Chapman Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Technical Services Law Librarianship for 2009 is Curt E. Conklin.
Curt is the Associate Director for Technical Services at the Brigham Young University Howard W. Hunter Law Library in Provo, Utah. He has worked there for 37 years in a variety of positions all within technical services. He has also been a member of AALL for 35 years. Some of his many contributions in the field of technical services include:
· One of the founding members of TS-SIS
BY LYONETTE LOUIS-JACQUES Foreign Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago D’Angelo Law Library Published by GlobaLex June/July 2007
From the Introduction:
“This bibliography lists selected English-language resources on comparative criminal procedure. It focuses on journal articles, book chapters, and treatises covering comparative criminal procedure generally, criminal procedure in multiple jurisdictions, and specialized research topics in comparative criminal procedure such as: arrest, pre-trial detention, interrogation, right to counsel, legal assistance for indigent defendants, discovery, plea bargaining, trial by jury, the privilege against self-incrimination, inquisitorial versus accusatorial systems, role of prosecutors, judges and defense attorneys, cross-examination, exclusionary rules, sentencing, death penalty, criminal appeals, and double jeopardy. “
March, 2009 Volume 21 Issue 2
Strategies for Combating Anti-Gay Sentiment in the Courtroom by Sean Overland
From: Lori Hedstrom, Marketing Manager, Librarian Relations, West a Thomson Reuters Business:
Starting with the January 2009 issue (volume 10, number 1), Practice Innovations was converted to an electronic format. In part, this was done in accord with Thomson Reuters’ “going green” initiative; however, we also want to take full advantage of the technology offered in an electronic newsletter. Besides the obvious benefits of receiving information electronically-being able to review, sort, and save articles of interest-we also plan to enrich Practice Innovations by adding links to related information. If an article cites a law firm’s Web page, we can provide a link to the page; if an author refers to relevant information available on the Web, we can link you directly to that information.
Sign up here to receive Practice Innovations, or any of our other electronic newsletters, directly to your e-mail box.
On March 1, West released significant changes to the Key Number System. Attorney editors have completed the reclassification of over 300,000 headnotes. The improvements include the following:
· Two new digest topics: The topic PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS AND CONFIDENTIALITY encompasses privilege issues arising in discovery and at trial and contains expanded classifications covering attorney-client privilege, physician-patient privilege, and executive privilege. The topic PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED PERSONS covers such areas as restraining orders and other protection from domestic violence, harassment, and stalking; guardian ad litem appointments; agency investigations and liabilities; and criminal and civil liability.
· Complete revision of four topics: The topics CONVICTS AND PRISONS are completely revised, with many lines afforded to concepts increasingly important in modern cases, e.g., boot camps. The topic DISORDERLY CONDUCT is greatly expanded to include breach of the peace (a similar offense recognized in most state jurisdictions). In the PRODUCTS LIABILITY topic, many points of law are classified once under the product type and again under the legal concept or procedure.
“This practical book provides guidance regarding jury instructions in criminal antitrust cases for juries sitting in judgment in antitrust trials of all types. The instructions in the book are presented in concise and readily understandable language and organized in the same order in which a court presiding over a criminal antitrust jury trial would likely give them. Thus, this book includes both general and antitrust specific instructions, instructions that are appropriate just prior to the admission of the evidence, and those for the close of the case. The book also includes explanatory commentary and references to supporting case law and model jury instructions in a variety of circuits.”
“Start-to-finish advice on model jury instructions in the complex area of criminal antitrust law!”
Product Details: 5030530 Regular Price: $159.00 AT Section Member Price: $129.00 ©2009 6 x 9 – paper 184 pages