Articles Posted in The Documents Corner

The links below are to primary source documents from members of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate to Judge Mukasey requesting clarification of his views. Documents included are from our subscription to GalleryWatch at

10/24/2007 Letter to Attorney General Nominee Michael Mukasey from Senate Judiciary Committe. (PDF 56 KB)

Letter Requests Further Clarification of the Nominee’s Position on Several Key Issues Including FISA, Interrogation Tactics and Signing Statements

The following are some recent letters, memoranda and other correspondence in regard to the contractor, Blackwater:

Letter to Blackwater CEO Erik Prince from House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman (PDF 360 KB)

Letter Requests Further Information on Blackwater’s No-Bid Contracts, Additional Incidents Involving Their Personnel in Iraq, and Payments Made to the Families of Iraqis Killed by Blackwater

A Report of the Innocence Project. Benjamin Cordozo Law School of Yeshiva University, October 18, 2007:

“New York State Not Doing Enough to Prevent Wrongful Convictions, Report Says …exonerated through DNA evidence. The report…director of the Innocence Project, a legal clinic…frequently used for DNA analysis. But in…evidence stored in DNA and fingerprint…not comment on the Innocence Project report until it…” New York Times October 18, 2007

See Innocence Project Report Here

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