MARC21 Records for World Trial Library Available for Cassidy Cataloguing

From Cassidy Cataloguing Inc.

“We are pleased to announce that… Cassidy Cataloguing [is offering] MARC21 records for the World Trials Library. The MARC21 records for this collection will be developed and managed wholly by Cassidy Cataloguing, who is offering the records at a one-time subscription price. A subscription will include MARC21 records for up to 1,900 titles comprising Phase I of the World Trials Library. It will also include monthly updates that will coincide with new content released in Phase I of this library in HeinOnline. On average, we have been adding approximately 100 titles per month to the World Trials Collection and will continue to do so until the digitization of the Cornell Law collection is completed. After the digitization of Phase I is complete, we plan to further develop this library by adding additional historically significant trial collections, providing even greater access to trials that have been locked away for hundreds of years!”

If you have any questions about this service, please contact Cassidy Cataloguing at or 973-586-3200

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