Libraries are bridges to information and knowledge.

Deadline for all Nominations: April 1, 2008.

The ABA Commission on the American Jury Project established the Jury System Impact Award to recognize an individual or organization that has made significant contributions and tremendous efforts to the improvement, preservation and strengthening of the American Jury System.

The 2008 Award will be presented at the ABA Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

Excerpts from AIIM President, John Mancini’s Keynote Address — 4 March 2008 — AIIM International Exposition and Conference

There are four intersecting tensions in the marketplace that have been at work over the past 2 years and are aligning right now to change all of this and to truly create the mainstream market that we have all thought was on the horizon.

#1 – Control Over half of those surveyed have either marginal confidence or no confidence in the integrity of their electronic information. That awareness alone is doing a lot to change the “pain”/”make the pain go away” equation.

“As Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg observed: ‘In working as a lawyer, law teacher, and now judge, I have discerned no distinctive male or female styles of thinking or writing. And I agree with Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Jeanne Coyne, who said, when asked whether women judges decide cases differently because they are women:

“A wise old man and a wise old woman reach the same conclusion”‘.

–Handbook of Justice Research in Law, by Joseph Sanders, V. Lee Hamilton, Springer, 1981, p.311- From Amazon Book Preview Feature.

News from ALA and the world of libraries:

New York librarian becomes embedded journalist in Iraq

“Twice in the past two years, librarian Shelby Monroe persuaded the 101st Airborne Division to let her be an embedded war correspondent and blogger. In those articles and accompanying photographs, she tries to capture the ordinary lives of American soldiers and Iraqis. To go to Iraq, she quit three part-time jobs-in the Chappaqua (N.Y.) Library, the Field Library in Peekskill (where she worked as adult services reference librarian), and in the Village Bookstore in Pleasantville….”

The Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Science at River Forest, Illinois (near Chicago) has been conducting a series of innovative workshops on this topic, including the following:

March 17, 2008: 4-6pm

“Get a Voice: Why Writing, Blogging and Speaking Out Are Crucial to Advancing Your LIS Career”


I am interested in finding out the types of assignments that other Heads of Tech Services (or equivalent titles) are responsible for, besides just running the tech services dept. I’m wondering if there is a future for those of us in this position. Is this position part of the hierarchy which may become unnecessary? What ways are you dealing with the transition of tech services depts.? I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts and possibly your position descriptions with me. I’ve spent a lot of time pondering the future.


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