Every month I look forward to receiving the ABA Criminal Justice Section E-News. True to form, the April 2008 issue just received is filled with information to those involved with criminal justice issues. Here are some exampled highlighted in the April 2008 issue:
Joseph Thomas Receives 2008 Renee Chapman Award for Outstanding Contributions in Law Librarian Technical Services
The TS-SIS Awards Committee is pleased to announce that the recipient of the Renee D. Chapman Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Technical Services Law Librarianship for 2008 is Joseph Thomas.
Joseph is Head of Technical Services at the Kresge Library, University of Notre Dame Law School. His many contributions to the field of technical services law librarianship include:
8 program presentations delivered since 1991 at the AALL annual conference as well as at other venues
Cost Estimate: Federal Judicial Salaries Restoration Act of 2007
S. 1638 would increase the salaries and change certain retirement benefits for some judges and justices of the United States. The bill also would allow those judges and justices to receive annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) without further Congressional approval and would increase the compensation paid to Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustees.
Newly Disclosed U.S. Department of Justice Legal Memorandum Sheds New Light on Torture Issue
“A newly disclosed Justice Department legal memorandum, written in March 2003 and authorizing the military’s use of extremely harsh interrogation techniques, offers what could be a revealing clue in an unsolved mystery: What responsibility did top Pentagon and Bush administration officials have for abuses committed by American troops at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and in Afghanistan; Guantánamo Bay, Cuba; and elsewhere?”
See above referenced legal memorandum, RE Military Interrogation of Alien Unlawful Combatants Held Outside the United States,” below in two parts: Please be patient. It may take awhile to download.
Net Neutrality: “Why the Internet Can’t Remain Free”
Net Neutrality: Why the Internet Can’t Remain Free *
“Most users want a free Internet, but that’s not going to be possible by 2010, Gary Beach argues. Without a major investment by those who own the pipes, the likes of Verizon, AT&T and Comcast, Internet traffic will come to resemble rush hour traffic in Los Angeles.”
________________________________ *From CIO Insider April 3, 2008
Criminology, Volume 46 Issue1, February 2008
MICHAEL TONRY pages 1–34
Business Skills and the Organization Professional
From Global Knowledge eNews April 1, 2008
“In today’s business world, deep technical or specialized knowledge is not enough – especially for those moving up the corporate ladder. IT professionals [and those in other professions, including librarians] must complement this knowledge with business acumen – or general knowledge of the “rules of engagement” in business – and the ability to apply that knowledge to maneuver through the business environment”.
To see the complete article, Upward Mobility in IT: Business Skills for the Technical Professional, click here.
ABA Publications: Juries and Trials
The Litigation Manual: Jury Trials
Edited By Weyman I. Lundquist and Alyson Pytte The Litigation Manual has been valued as much for its refreshing style as its practical, how-to approach. This addition to The Litigation Manual library focuses on jury trials. The book takes you step-by-step through the stages of a jury trial, providing concrete, time-proven techniques and innovative ideas from many of the country’s preeminent trial lawyers and judges. And it contains some of the best legal writing available-clear, informal and never dull. Read it and you will learn how to deal more effectively with the situations you face in a jury trial.
Vouching: A Defense Attorney’s Guide to Witness Credibility, Law and Strategy
ABA: 23rd Intellectual Property Law Conference
Welcome to the one annual Conference that IP lawyers cannot afford to miss. Now in its 23rd year, the Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law provides a gathering of the foremost authorities on the state of intellectual property law, including judges, goverment officials, in-house counsel, academics, and private practitioners.
The conference is recognized for its national and international scope and preeminent programming. It attracts IP practitioners from across the nation and around the world..
The past year has seen critical developments in IP law. Its practitioners face new issues, new areas of practice, and a growing globalism, which places more demands than ever on their knowledge and skills.
Self Represented Litigation Innovation Pre Conference at Equal Justice Conference
As you may know, the 2008 Equal Justice Conference will be held the first full week of May in Minneapolis. The Conference will include a special pre-conference dedicated to the Self-Represented Litigant Issues as well as a number of general conference sessions that relate to the topic. Here is some additional information on the Pre Conference.
The Tuesday May 6 all day pre-conference will focus on self-represented litigation issues, and particularly the experience of the Hennepin County Self-Represented Services Program, which is generally recognized as one of the national leaders in the field. The day will include an introduction by the Coordinator of the Self-Represented Litigation Network, describing recent national developments, including the rapid adoption of judicial training programs, the planned development and launch of the Court leadership and education materials, and research into cost effectiveness of innovation. There will be a detailed tour and review of the operations and insights of the Hennepin program, and afternoon panels on Discrete Task Representation (Unbundling), Funding Approaches, Law Library Services, and Statewide and Distance Services. This program is highly recommended for all interested in the launch and enhancement of programs for the self-represented.
The Pre-conference fee of $65 will include food. Participants will walk from the conference hotel to the courthouse. Transportation available if needed. Registration for the main conference is required (See link at bottom).