Libraries are bridges to information and knowledge.

Brian Prince of e-Week has compiled a list and slide show of what he considers some of the more common mistakes and a few general tips for avoiding them. Over the years as we were either disigning or helping to design a number of library related research and applications databases, we could certainly have used such a compilation and are glad to share this one with you.

To see Brian Prince’s presentation, click here.

Justices: Racially Based Peremptory Challenges Reverse Murder Conviction SNYDER V. LOUISIANA
(U.S. Supreme Ct., March 19, 2008) – A Louisiana conviction for first-degree murder and death sentence is reversed where the trial judge committed clear error in its ruling on an objection to the prosecution’s strike of a black juror during voir dire, in violation of Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U. S. 79.

The New York Law Journal has reported that Melvyn Weiss has agreed to plead guilty to a racketeering charge for participating in a scheme to pay kickbacks to lead plaintiffs in shareholder suits.

Mr. Weiss, a famed securities class action lawyer, was one of the co-founders of the law firm Milberg Weiss.

Melvyn Weiss Plea Agreement

From the AALL E-Newsletter, March 2008:

“We have just learned of an exciting new outcome of AALL’s National Summit on Authentic Legal Information in the Digital Age convened by Immediate Past President Sally Holterhoff in April 2007. Delegate Michele Timmons, Minnesota revisor of statutes and a National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) commissioner, submitted a proposal to the Uniform Law Commission in June 2007 to create a study committee to explore the complex issues regarding digital authentication. The Law Revision Commission recently approved the new Study Committee on Online Authentication of Legal Materials to investigate the issues and discuss the feasibility of a uniform law or model act. The chair and members of the new study committee will be appointed in August, and AALL has been invited to name an observer…”

Conference Dates: November 30 – December 3, 2008:

You want to join the next IALL Annual Course?

The International Association of Law Libraries each year makes available financial assistance to enable law librarians who are normally unable to benefit from Association activities to attend the Annual Course in International Law Librarianship that forms the annual conference of the

Deadline for all Nominations: April 1, 2008.

The ABA Commission on the American Jury Project established the Jury System Impact Award to recognize an individual or organization that has made significant contributions and tremendous efforts to the improvement, preservation and strengthening of the American Jury System.

The 2008 Award will be presented at the ABA Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

Excerpts from AIIM President, John Mancini’s Keynote Address — 4 March 2008 — AIIM International Exposition and Conference

There are four intersecting tensions in the marketplace that have been at work over the past 2 years and are aligning right now to change all of this and to truly create the mainstream market that we have all thought was on the horizon.

#1 – Control Over half of those surveyed have either marginal confidence or no confidence in the integrity of their electronic information. That awareness alone is doing a lot to change the “pain”/”make the pain go away” equation.

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