Beige Book: Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District
Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts suggest that economic activity increased modestly during the survey period of mid-November through December, but at a slower pace compared with the previous survey period. Among Districts, seven reported a slight increase in activity, two reported ixed conditions, and activity in three Districts was described as slowing.
Most reports on retail activity indicated subdued holiday spending and further weakness in auto sales. However, most reports on tourism spending were positive. Residential real estate conditions continued to be quite weak in all Districts. Reports on commercial real estate activity varied, with some reports noting signs of softening demand. Manufacturing reports varied across industries, with pronounced weakness noted in housing-related industries as well as the automobile industry. Strong export orders and increased demand in industries whose products compete against imports was reported by some Districts. Demand for nonfinancial services remained generally positive, although some Districts commented on continuing weak demand for transportation services.
Report: October 2007 OCLC Council Meeting
The following is an excerpt of a Report of the OCLC Council Meeting by Phyllis Post, Head of Technical Services at Capital University (Columbus, Ohio). Phyllis attended as an observer/representative of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL).. Speaking personnally, I am very happy to see AALL involved at this level with OCLC:
From the OCLC Members Council 2007/2008 Annual Plan:
The Members Council, along with the Board of Trustees, is one of the two governance bodies representing the Membership of the OCLC global, nonprofit, library cooperative. Members Council supports OCLC’s mission of furthering cost-effective access to worldwide information by serving as a key strategic discussion forum and the major communications link among Members, networks, and OCLC. By providing an open channel for recommendations and questions from delegates, approving changes in the Code of Regulations, and electing six Members of the Board of Trustees, Members Council helps shape the future direction of OCLC and libraries.
Criminology Volume 45 Issue 4 November 2007
Below is the table of contents for the latest issue of Criminology, which is now available at
Implementing Knowledge Management: Key Planning Considerations
BY Brett Haywrd, Vice President of Professional Services for the Americas, InQuira
Today’s consumers expect fast and convenient online self-service, and they demand knowledgeable, responsive support from contact center agents-anything less and today’s consumers are perfectly willing to take their business elsewhere.
U.S. Supreme Court Justices Uphold New York’s System of Choosing Trial Judges
“The Supreme Court unanimously upheld New York’s unique system of choosing trial judges, eversing a lower court and setting aside complaints that the system was easily controlled by party bosses:”
To see the slip opinion for New York Board of Elections et. al. v. Torres et. al 06-766 and the transcript of oral argument (both in PDF format) click on the links below:
Lessons from the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill: The Gold Mouse Report
The information below is from the Press Release announcing the Report, followed by a link to the complete Report:
Washington, D.C. – A new report from the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) on congressional Web sites says the overall quality “continues to be disappointing,” with more than 40% of congressional Web sites earning a substandard or failing grade. The report also contains recognition and praise for the best Web sites on Capitol Hill with the announcement of the winners of the 2007 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Mouse Awards.
“The good news is that 19 more offices won awards in 2007 than did in 2006, including 16 freshmen Members. The bad news is that there were 20 more D’s and F’s,” said Beverly Bell, Executive Director of CMF, a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded 30 years ago to promote a more effective Congress. “We were glad to see good sites getting better, but discouraged to see the bad getting worse.”
The 2008 Equal Justice Conference: Balancing Challenges and Opportunities
“The Equal Justice Conference brings together all components of the legal community to discuss equal justice issues as they relate to the delivery of legal services to the poor and low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. The emphasis of this Conference is on strengthening partnerships among the key players in the civil justice system. Through plenary sessions, workshops, networking opportunities and special programming, the Conference provides a wide range of learning and sharing experiences for all attendees.”
“Pro bono and legal services program staff, judges, corporate counsel, court administrators, private lawyers, paralegals, and many others attend this event. The title and theme of the 2008 Equal Justice Conference is: Pursuing Justice: Balancing Challenges and Opportunities. The main Conference will celebrate the ongoing collaboration between pro bono and legal services; explore additional partnerships that must be created, the resources that must be tapped, and the new issues facing clients.”
For more information see the Conference website at
December 2007 Content Release of HeinOnline
December 2007 Content Release
The December 2007 content release added 1.4 million pages of legal information to our collections, bringing the total number of pages in HeinOnline to more than 33 million. Below are descriptions of the more prominent content that was released.
Law Journal Library