The Supreme Court may have its own police force, its own museum curator, and even its own basketball court, but unlike the courts of yore it has no Jester. As a result, the responsibility of delivering humor within the hallowed halls of One First Street falls squarely on the backs of the nine Justices themselves.” So, which Justice is the best at it? Well, before last year we had no way of knowing because the court reporter did not indicate which Justice asked a question or was speaking. But in the 2004-2005 that ended; now the Court Reporter reveals the names of the speaking Justices. And you might have guessed who won: Justice Scalia. He instigated 77 laughing episodes during the term. In last place was Justice Thomas; he instigated 0 episodes.
Justice Breyer was right behind Scalia with 45, Kennedy was third with 21, Souter had 19, Rehnquist had 12, Stevens 8, O’Connor 7, and Ginsburg 4.
[From an article entitled Laugh Track by Jay D. Wexler in “The Green Bag,” Vol. 9, No. 1, p.59]