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“…Members include courts, legal aid programs, bar associations, educational institutions, researchers, and other governmental and non-profit programs working to increase access to justice. Usage of the site and of materials accessed is for non-commercial purposes only.”

You can go directly to Selfhelpsupport at

The following is a list of new and forthcoming hardbound books and e-books with a publication date range from 2007 – 2009. This subject search was run on Bowker Books in Print Professional on October 22, 2007:

Arkansas and Missouri DWI Defense: The Law and Practice

Author: Abele, Jon R. et al. Publisher: Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, Incorporated ISBN or UPC: 1-933264-19-5(Active Record)

A Report of the Innocence Project. Benjamin Cordozo Law School of Yeshiva University, October 18, 2007:

“New York State Not Doing Enough to Prevent Wrongful Convictions, Report Says …exonerated through DNA evidence. The report…director of the Innocence Project, a legal clinic…frequently used for DNA analysis. But in…evidence stored in DNA and fingerprint…not comment on the Innocence Project report until it…” New York Times October 18, 2007

See Innocence Project Report Here

Source: FindLaw Legal News and Commentary.

By JOANNE MARINER, Terrorism and Counterrorism Director at Human Rights Watch.
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007
Last week, the New York Times published a front-page article describing two legal memoranda issued secretly by the Bush Administration in 2005 that purported to provide guidance regarding the legality of CIA interrogation methods. What the memos said, specifically, was that certain CIA practices did not violate the law.

I emphasize the “purported” purpose of the memos because I think their true purpose was quite different. Rather than giving objective guidance that would assist CIA officials in conforming their conduct to legal standards, the memos were actually meant to provide legal cover for conduct that violated fundamental legal norms.

The real purpose of the memos was, in short, to immunize US officials from prosecution for abusive conduct. They were meant to facilitate abuses, not to prevent them.

These two memos are part of a larger picture that includes earlier legal memos, a classified presidential directive, and last year’s Military Commissions Act. Taken together, they’re a paper trail for torture.

The OLC Paper Trail
According to the New York Times, a still-secret legal opinion issued by the Department of Justice in early 2005 provided explicit authorization to the CIA to subject detained terrorist suspects to a combination of abusive interrogation methods, including simulated drowning (known as “waterboarding”), head-slapping, and frigid temperatures. A subsequent legal opinion, issued just before congressional legislation was passed barring the cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees, reportedly declared that none of the interrogation methods used by the CIA violated that standard.

The two newly-revealed memos were reportedly drafted by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), the office charged with providing authoritative legal guidance to other executive branch officials. They were said to have been approved by then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

A previous opinion issued by the OLC in 2002, when John Ashcroft was Attorney General, concluded that the president was not bound by federal laws prohibiting torture, and that the Department of Justice lacked authority to enforce anti-torture laws against officials who acted with the president’s authorization. It also provided a narrow and inaccurate interpretation of what techniques constitute torture under U.S. and international law.

Although the memos did not mention this fact, “waterboarding,” one of the interrogation methods they reportedly defended, has been prosecuted as torture by U.S. military courts since the Spanish-American War. Indeed, after World War II, U.S. military commissions prosecuted and severely punished enemy soldiers for having subjected American prisoners to waterboarding, as well as other techniques used by the CIA in recent years such as sleep deprivation, forced standing, and removal of clothing.
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Recently a number of articles devoted to the history of technology and the internet have been published. Given the significant developments in these areas over the past 20+ years and the societal demands which continue to drive further research and development it is certainly appropriate to take some time to reflect on both the history and possible future directions of information technology–including the internet.

The following is a question, answer interview with Robert Kahn one of the pioneers in the creation and development of the internet and who continues to actively work on techniques related to information technology. The interview was published in the October 7, 2007 issue of The Star Ledger and is being reproduced here for the benefit of our readers:

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Does access to social networking, video sharing, and other new media online capabilities mean wasted time, lost productivity, and possibly security concerns or are there legitimate business reasons to include them on organization web sites? Many of us are encountering these and related issues in our own organizations. Stacey Peterson, the editor of Information Week Daily Newsletter, raises these questions in the following excerpt to the October 15, 2007 issue. Also included is a link to a related but more extensive article by Aditya Kishre;


“The U.S. Department of Defense earlier this year banned access to YouTube, MySpace, Photobucket, StupidVideos, MTV, and a bunch of other Web sites by soldiers stationed abroad. It makes sense. We’re at war, and soldiers shouldn’t be playing around on the Internet, sucking up bandwidth, and opening up the military network to security compromises.”

The following was received from the New York Law Journal. We appreciate their efforts in compiling this material:

October 12, 2007

Editor’s Note: As the Law Journal receives commentary from sitting judges and members of the bar on the fallout from the lack of compromise in the state’s budget on judicial salaries, we will publish those remarks in this space.

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