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Source: Washkuch, Frank Jr., “Researchers: Hackers Could Affect Presidential Election”, SC Magazine Newswire. October 9, 2007.

BY Frank Washkuch Jr.

Hackers could affect next year’s presidential election by using keyloggers, phishing messages or hacking, researchers said this week.

Volume 6 Issue 2 FALL 2007 Section of Science & Technology Law American Bar Association

The SciTech Lawyer is published quarterly as a service to the members of the Section of Science & Technology Law of the American Bar Association. It endeavors to provide information about current deevelopments in law, science, medicine and technology that is of professional interest to members of the Section.


Since 2001 the American Bar Association has commissioned four surveys of the legal profession, including both members and non-members of the ABA. The most recent survey, The Pulse of the Legal Profession is reported in some detail by Stephanie Francis Ward in the October 2007 issue of the American Bar Association Journal. The following is a brief summary of survey responses as included in her report:


Type of Pracitice:

Source: : Website: In Chambers…a commonplace book of interesting legal things,

“Arizona, like a number of states, punishes certain crimes when they are done with hate. For instance, if A, who hates homosexuals, attacks B because B is a homosexual, A may be charged with assault and punished more harshly than he would be if B were not gay.”

“Okay, now what if A attacks B and B is gay, but A did not attack for that reason? Is that attack also a hate crime?”

WSLL @ Your Service is the e-published Newsletter of the Wisconsin State Law Library. Among the items included in this issue are:

* What’s New: WSLL Welcomes New Part Time Staff

* This Just In…: In celebration of Professional Legal Management Week, this month’s column features new and updated materials related to Law Practice Management .

The October issue of Nylink’s monthly bulletin, Check It Out: What’s New at Nylink, is now available.

Check It Out complements the quarterly Nylink Connection and our monthly technical newsletter, Status Line, by focusing on timely information about products and services available to you through Nylink as well as upcoming Nylink events and happenings. Click “download file” below to access complete Newsletter.

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