Oct. 3 Corporate Representation After DOJ’s McNulty Memo, Teleconference and Live Audio Webcast
Oct. 8
Oct. 3 Corporate Representation After DOJ’s McNulty Memo, Teleconference and Live Audio Webcast
Oct. 8
Protecting library patron confidentiality: Best practices (PDF file)
Trina J. Magi writes: “Now that libraries have greater-than-ever potential for collecting and storing many types of personal data,
often in digital form, librarians must be increasingly vigilant in guarding the public trust. Fortunately, the library literature offers many concrete actions librarians can take to protect the confidentiality of library patrons.”…
The following is a list of seminars and lectures sponsored by Dominican University Graduate School of Library Science, River Forest, IL.
A Season of Engagement Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Science Welcome’s Library Leaders this Fall
• Monday, October 8, 2007, 4 pm Emerging Library Leaders for the 21st Century Seminar Series, Crown Library’s Springer Suites. “Managing the Virtual Library” presented by Jane Burke, Vice President, ProQuest Information and Learning; General Manager, Serial Solutions; and 2007 Dominican GSLIS Alumna of the Year.
Each quarterly issue of the Judges Journal , the official publication of the Judicial Division, American Bar Association, emphasizes a particular theme of interest and concern to the judiciary. The Summer 2007 issue, Volume 46 Number 3 is devoted primarily to matters related to domestic violence and youth at risk. The following is an overiew of the various articles and other features included. I am grateful to Steven Essig, our professional law librarian intern for special projects for his able assistance in compiling this material.
Domestic Violence and Youth at Risk
BY Steven Essig
EMC Corporation has sponsored a very ambitious, groundbreaking study that attempts for the first time to measure and forecast the amounts and types of digital information created and copied throughout the world, and whether it is generated by indivuals or buisnesses. The findings of this study could have significant implications for individuals, businesses, information professionals and society as a whole and thereby provide useful insights to librarians and other information professionals.
The basic findings of this Study have been summarized as follows:
The 2006 digital universe was 161 billion gigabytes (161 exabytes) in size.
The New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library has acquired many friends over the years: lawyers, librarians and other talented people who have helped us grow. Among their number is one William Stock, attorney and librarian, who did volunteer work here some years ago and still keeps in close touch. Bill has written a novel called “Sarah’s Love” that is both everyday and yet unique. It is routine in that it is a story about lawyers; it is unique -to this writer’s knowledge- in that it has no violence and does not involve criminal activity. Instead, it is a love story
A chapter of the story is offered today for your reading pleasure as well as your comments.”
” It bears reiteration that this is a work of fiction; no actual person or institution is meant to be represented and any resemblance to one is coincidental.”
CHAPTER VII A few weeks after he and Sarah had parted on such good terms, Harry closed the firm at twelve noon on Wednesday, July 3rd and wished everyone a long happy holiday weekend. He stayed an hour later to do some paperwork and then Charlie drove him to his apartment to pick up Grace. Then they headed out to East Hampton on the south fork of eastern Long Island.
Twenty years ago, back when mere mortals could afford such things, Harry and Grace had bought a small cottage on a quiet street just a few minutes walk from the beach. As the years passed they were offered many times the purchase price for their home, and some entrepreneurs had even offered them larger houses in nearby towns together along with a wad of cash to get them to sell. But Harry and Grace always refused: this was their home, and they never wanted to leave it.
Harry and Grace headed out that weekend looking forward to four days of sailing, picnics and barbeques with friends and long walks under the stars at sunset.
But it didn’t work out that way.
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Published by the American Bar Association
Product Code: 4920039
Publication Date: July 2007
David Badertscher
Usually four times a year I make a presentation to Psychiatric Fellows associated with our forensic psychiatric clinic. In these presentations I discuss updated reference sources including databases, and review with them various searching and other techniques useful in their research. When preparing for an upcoming session I noticed two items, one a small OP-ED article in the New York Times, and the other a review of a book published by Oxford University Press.
One book that is consulted repeatedly is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, a respected reference source, currently in its fourth edition, prepared by the American Psychiatric Association. While this source is often relied upon without question, there is a concern among some that future editions may need to focus in a more precise way on issues such as symptoms and the linkage between diagnosis and treatment.
The Second Annual OneWebDay Global event of The Internet Society (ISOC) is being held this year in Israel. Here are some details:
The second annual OneWebDay global event will be celebrated in Israel on Monday, October 22, 2007, and during the following week. Internet organizations from around the world and association members of ISOC Chapters have begun the preparations for the celebrations of OneWebDay event which is celebrated September 22, 2007 (Unfortunately
in Israel it is Saturday and Yom Kippur).