Isaac Saul and his team have published A Closer Look at the Secret Service in the July 19, 2024, issue of Tangle. The article provides a detailed and balanced description of the Secret Service as an organization from several perspectives, including its history, organizational structure, funding, and the Trump shooting.
We believe that with this article, which needs to be read widely, Isaac Saul and his team have contributed in a significant way to bringing clarity to the issues covered. We are therefore pleased that Saul has granted us permission to post his article, with an abstract of my own, followed with a link to the entire article.
Quoting from the article: “The effects of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump are sure to reverberate across our country for months — and potentially years — to come.” “The incident could also have a major impact on the Secret Service — the agency tasked with protecting current and past presidents, their families, and other high-profile politicians.”