A Report for Congress Prepared by Garrine P. Laney, Analyst in Social Policy, Domestic Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service, February 4, 2008.
The following is from the Summary:
“Monitoring the movement of sex offenders in communities continues to be of interest to Congress, state legislatures, and local governments. In response to some citizens’ concerns, Congress passed the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-248), which, among other provisions, provides for mandatory registration of sex offenders who are released from prison, closer scrutiny of them,
and community notification of their whereabouts. Through the community notification process, the public has more knowledge of where sex offenders reside.
At least 23 states and hundreds of local governments have passed laws to prohibit sex offenders, who must register as such, from living within a specified distance of a particular area. Often, restricted areas include parks, playgrounds, recreation centers,
swimming pools, schools, bus stops, libraries, convenience stores, and other facilities that serve large numbers of persons under 18 years of age….”
Complete Report: Residence Restrictions for Released Sex Offenders