
Articles Posted in David Badertscher


New York: Governors’ Programs 2009

During every session of the New York Legislature the current governor and his staff prepare bills addressing his or her objectives to be introduced directly in the legislature by the Governor. While it is assumed that legislatures in other states have similar mechanisms, this posting is only concernd with Governor’s…


After Being Pronounced Dead Kirkus Reviews Appears to be Back With Us

David Badertscher Although not primarily a reviewer of legal materials, Kirkus Reviews is one of the most outstanding and respected review magazines devoted to book media. It was founded in 1933 by Virginia Kirkus (1893-1981) a former head of the children’s book department of Harper & Bros. with the idea…


Characteristics Which Can Help Save Libraries in a Highly Competitive and Dynamic Environment

BY: David Badertscher* I have been following with great interest recent discussion on listservs and in the literature regarding a perception that libraries are becoming less relevant in a technologically-oriented society that relies increasingly on “instant gratification”(achieved largely through online searching and related techniques). Technology is wonderful, and I think…


CLLB: Information Security Newsletter. Volume 2 Number 12 December 2009.

Volume 2 Number 12 December 2009. Automatic Software Updates and Patching From the Desk of David Badertscher Security vulnerabilities are flaws in the software that could allow someone to potentially compromise your system. Each year, the volume of software security vulnerabilities discovered increases, and the hacking tools available to exploit…


Charting A New Course: A Blueprint for Transforming Juvenile Justice in New York State

A report prepared by New York Governor David Paterson’s Task Force on Transforming Juvenile Justice released in December 2009. It “shines a harsh light” on the problems in New York’s prisons for juvenile offenders According to this Report, ” the problems are so acute that the state agency overseeing the…


Law and Literature Symposium at the University of Cincinnati Law School

February 29, 2008 A number of people who have distinguihed themselves in the legal profession have also been quite successful as poets. Wallace Stevens comes to mind. That brings me to the poetry of Professor Lawrence Joseph, Reverend Joseph P. Tinnelly, C.M. Professor of Law, which was the subject of…


Special Libraries Association Members Fail to Approve Proposal to Change Organization’s Name

We just received word about the outcome of the vote on the proposal to change the name of Special Libraries Association (SLA) to the Association for Stategic Knowledge Professionals. The name change proposal stemmed from the findings of the Alignment Project, an intensive two year research effort aimed at understanding…


Use of Internet Technology by Jurors and Others During a Trial

David Badertscher* Some jurors have always had an urge to visit a crime scene or research a case they’re considering while on jury duty, but now the Internet is making it much easier to play detective. “As simple as it might have been to research facts on their own in…


GungaWeb An Online Tool That Assists Analysis of New York Criminal Cases

GungaWeb is an online tool that assists analysis of New York criminal cases with respect to sentencing, lesser included offenses, plea bargaining restrictions, charging and offense elements. Detailed sentencing reports for all Penal Law offenses plus DWI and,now for 2009, Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle (VTL511). Dynamic detailed…


The Continuing Quest for Health Care Reform in the U.S.

Updated to November 25, 2009 Over the past months we have posted a variety of items related to the quest for health care reform in the United States. See our last posting at “Health Care Update as of the Beginning of October 2009. The quest continues. During the last month…

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