
Articles Posted in David Badertscher


Library of Congress Officials Accused by Senator of Interference

According to Ed O’Keefe in a June 5, 2009 Washington Post article, “Library Officials Accused of Interference”, Senator Charles E. Grassley has written a sharply worded letter to the Librarian of Congress , James H. Billington, stating “…Your office attempts to influence and/or control [the Office of Inspector General] appear…


Cybersecurity: Reviews and Iniatives of the Obama Administration

Web based criminal justice issues cannot be addressed in a rational manner without also the establishment and ongoing maintenance of a trusted and resilient information and communications infrastructure. Realizing the paramount importance of these objectives the Obama administration has been engaging in a mumber related activities including President Obama’s recent…


Cool Software Every Paralegal and Law Librarian Could Use

Kim Walker, an experienced litigation paralegal with the firm of Berger & Montague in Philadelphia, has written a useful article describing software programs that can save paralegal’s time and their organizations money. Reading through Kim’s article I was struck by the thought that an increasing number of law librarians are…


Who Were the Most Important Legal Thinkers in American Law in the Past Century?

Brian R. Leiter the John P. Wilson Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law, Philosophy and Human Values at the University of Chicago has conducted a poll to determine who people think were the most important legal thinkers in american law in the past century. There were…


Obama Delivers Critique Defending His Decision to Close Guantanamo

In Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Online News, Keith Perine writes: “…Obama, speaking with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a backdrop, defended his order to close the detainee prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and outlined several tenets of his own counterterrorism strategy. The president tried…


Report of New York State Inspector General Investigating Allegations Related to the NY Commission on Public Integrity

A Report of the New York State Inspector General, Joseph Fisch, released on May 13, 2009 concluded that Herbert Titelbaum Executive Director of the New York State Council on Public Integrity and a close friend exchanged at least 165 phone calls and held regular dinners over a five month period…


Is Forensic Science Becoming Fragmanted and Less Reliable?

While most agree that forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system, there are increasing expressions of concern as to whether it is becoming fragmanted, less reliable, and urgently needs an infusion of financial and research support in order to remain viable. These and related concerns have…


Amazon Has Now Released the Latest Version of It’s Wireless eBook Reader: Kindle DX

Amazon has now released Kindle DX, a larger, more versatile veriion of its wireless Kindle ebook device. The new DX version has a larger display and a screen which rotates from portrait to landscape to view Web pages and spreadsheets, etc. Kindle DX and other wireless ebook reading devices certainly…


Comments on How and Where to Write Better Tweets

According to C.G. Lynch’s provocative artice in the CIO Insider Newsletter,Twitter’s growing popularity is exposing a considerable “fraility” of writing among those tweet. He observes that Twitter’s 140 character message format demands concise, engaging writing “and that’s a skill that a lot of people don’t have. To read more of…


Library of Congress Report: Information Technology Strategic Planning

Library of Congress Report: Information Technology Strategic Planning: A Well Developed Framework is Essential to Support the Library’s Current and Future Information Technology (IT) Needs The Library of Congress Office of the Inspector General. Library-Wide Report No. 2008-PA-105 March 2009. “The intent of this review was to access the effectiveness…

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