
Articles Posted in David Badertscher


S.539, Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act of 2023

New from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Cost Estimate, August 23. 2023 As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, July 30, 2023 Summary: S. 359 would require the Supreme Court and other federal courts to implement several ethics and transparency practices, and would direct federal agencies to…


An Overview of Death Penalty in the United States

Introduction: The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is the practice of executing individuals who have been convicted of certain serious crimes, typically murder. The United States has a complex and controversial history with the death penalty, involving legal, ethical, and societal considerations. This posting provides an overview of…


Congressional Budget Office: S.1464, Enhancing Department of Homeland Security Drug Seizures Act

As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on May 17, 2023 This bill would: • Authorize the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide danger pay allowances to employees who are stationed abroad in certain areas • Create new criminal penalties for destroying, damaging,…


The Urgency for Greater Cybersecurity

Cyber risk is one of the great concerns sitting at the top of any government, as hacker attacks and other security breaches have the potential to jeopardize the global economy and other aspects of everyday life.  Wide reporting indicates the proliferation of cyber attacks worldwide at a substantial and increasing…


CBO Director: Testimony on Social Security’s Finances, July 12,2023

CBO’s Director, Phillip Swagel, testifies about the agency’s projections of Social Security’s finances before the Senate Budget Committee. Established in 1974, The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government.  It is charged with providing  members of Congress  objective  analysis of…


SCOTUS: Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v President and Fellows of Harvard College, Remarks and Statements

On June 29,2023, the Supreme Court delivered its decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College. The Court held that Harvard College’s admissions system does not comply with the principles of the equal protection clause embodied in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  The decision,…


The State of the Economy of the United States: As Viewed by GAO and CBO

In an earlier posting, CBO Projections: The 2023 Budget, we provided Congressional Budget Office (CBO) documents which discuss, from a budgetary perspective, their analysis and projections of what the federal budget and economy would look like over the next 20 years, if current laws generally remain unchanged. In this posting…


Congressional Budget Office: 2023 Long-Term Projections for Social Security

Established in 1974, The Congressional Budget Office is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government.  It is charged with providing  members of Congress  objective  analysis of budgeting and economic issues to support the congressional budget process. Each year, CBO economists and budget analysts produce dozens…


Responding to Errors and Mistakes in ChatGPT and Other Generative AI Systems

Since Open AI released ChatGPT for public use on November 30, 2022, its rate of adoption by the public has been explosive and appears to be increasing at a near exponential rate.  Within two months after its public release, it had acquired an estimated 100 million users and surpassed one…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending June 16, 2023

During this past week (week ending June 16, 2023) we have received listings of 37 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  84 Constitutional Law summaries,  89 Criminal Law Summaries and 3 U.S. Supreme Court Summaries.  We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible…

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