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Baucus Health Care Proposal: America’s Healthy Future Act 0f 2009

Today Sept. 16, 2009, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released the first draft of the committee’s long awaited proposed legislation to overhaul the country’s health care system. The proposal is the result of more than a year of preparation and more than three…


AACR Move Over! Here Comes RDA!

Here is the companion article to “In Appreciation of Library Catalogers and Cataloging Standards” posted by me 7/23/09. At the end of that article I wrote that I had asked Joni Cassidy to consider writing an article for this blog that woud explore RDA in greater depth. Joni agreed, I…


Judges Punish Wall Street As Regulators Just Talk About Reform

In their September 8 article in Bloomberg News, Cary O’Reilly and Linda Sandler write that “[A]s the White House and Congress debate how to regulate financial crisis, judges have assumed the point position of punishing Wall Street for causing the worst recession since the 1930s.” O’Reilly and Sandler point out…


Book Review: Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln

Title: Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln Author: John Stauffer Publisher: Twelve (Hatchett Book Group) Price: $30.00 ISBN: 13-0978-0-446-58009-0 Pages: 432 Abraham Lincoln has been written about extensively and ranks as one of the most prolifically written about subjects in print. Frederick Douglass is a much…


What’s Happening in Your State Related to Legislation Regarding the Use of Restraints on Pregnant Women

According to the Editors of The Crime Report, the movement to ban shackling pregnant prisoners is gaining momentum. On August 26, 2009, Governor David Paterson of New York signed a bill (now NY Chapter 411 2009) banning the practice for all but the most unruly inmates. What is happening in…


Government, Cookies, and Federal Web Sites – Continued

After posting two articles on this Web site here and here related to the Obama administration seriously considering allowing much greater flexibility regarding the use of cookies and tracking devices on government Web sites, I thought I was finished with the topic. That is until this morning August 25 when…


CLLB Information Security Newsletter – Cookies

Volume 2 Number 8 August 2009. From the Desk of David G. Badertscher Mmmm… cookies – chocolate chip and oatmeal with raisins! Cookies are one of the most popular snacks that exist today. Did you know you can get “browser” cookies almost every time you go on the Internet? These…


Should Cookies Be Used on Federal Web Sites?

David Badertscher* The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) within the White House is considering whether federal web sites should be permitted to use cookies and other web tracking technologies and is asking for input from the public. According to Michael Fitzpatrick, an associate administrator with the OMB Office of…


New Jersey: Documents Related to Two Track Investigation of Political Corruption and Money Laundering

As announced yesterday July 23, 2009, U.S. federal agents swept accross New Jersey and New York, charging 44 people (including mayors, rabbis and one alleged trafficker in human kidneys) of being involved in public corruption and international money laundering practices.. The following are links to some documents related to that…


In Appreciation of Library Catalogers and Cataloging Standards

David Badertscher* For almost forty years I have been in charge of law libraries. During that time I have acquired great appreciation and respect for the value and work of library catalogers. This posting is a small token of that respect and gratitude. Have you ever wondered how all the…

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