Tammy Raum is: Senior Research Librarian, New York City Law Dept. Library and may be contacted at: tammyraumprof@gmail.com Research Information for State Administrative Code: NYCRR and Litigation Protocol Consultation of the complete unofficial New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) is now available on a complimentary basis on the New…
Articles Posted in Authors of Articles
Tammy Raum’s Internet Research Tips for Women’s History Month, March 2008
BY TAMAR RAUM* March is Women’s History Month, and a wealth of historical, social, political, and cultural knowledge is available on the internet. The following internet page of the NWHP (National Women’s History Project) highlights notable achievements of outstanding women. http://www.nwhp.org/whm/test.php To really appreciate the nature and scope of Women’s…
CLLB Information Security Newsletter February 2008
While reviewing responses to readers of this blawg, I noticed that many seem interested in postings related to information security. Therefore, as an experiment beginning with this posting I plan to include an occasional newsletter covering topics and issues related to information security. As an added activity I serve on…
Selected Documents and Web Sites: U.S. President’s Budget for 2009
DAVID BADERTSCHER The following posting consists of a series of documents selected to hopefully help provide those readers interested with an overview of the budget and the budget process. It also includes a list of the web sites rererenced in President Bush’s Budget Message.To provide added context I have embedded…
MARC21 Records for World Trial Library Available for Cassidy Cataloguing
From Cassidy Cataloguing Inc. “We are pleased to announce that… Cassidy Cataloguing [is offering] MARC21 records for the World Trials Library. The MARC21 records for this collection will be developed and managed wholly by Cassidy Cataloguing, who is offering the records at a one-time subscription price. A subscription will include…
Documents Regarding Economic Stimulus and the General Economic Outlook
Since issues related to stimulating the U.S. economy and the more general economic outlook are being so widely discussed in the news media, we thought it would be helpful to add context to the general discussion by posting a few federal documents which provide an added dimension to the topic.…
Cataloging Westlaw Records: A Question of Access
STEVEN ESSIG Recently, Cassidy Cataloguing Services announced a partnership with Thomson-West that would make available to law school libraries MARC 21 cataloging records for Westlaw items. In the words of Cassidy’s Donna Rosinski-Kauz “The Cassidy-Westlaw MARC21 records collections will be an expansion of the very popular “WLX E-Treatise Collection,” which…
Blogging and Virtual Reference at the New York Supreme Court Criminal Law Library
BY: David G. Badertscher The New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library of New York County (sometimes referred to as the New York Criminal Law Library) is located in lower Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge, City Hall, and State andFederal courthouses. It is one of several Supreme Court libraries located…
Public Access Libraries: An American Institution
BY: Theodore Pollack Senior Law Librarian New York County Public Access Law Library The United States Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” Perhaps no more beautiful words have ever been written. However, self-represented litigants who are attempting to protect…
Should the Web Be Changed From WWW to GGG (Giant Global Graph) ?
David Badertscher “Why we need to move from thinking about Web pages to thinking about the information on those pages.” http://www.gcn.com/blogs/tech/45477.html The above quote and link refer to a recent posting by Joab Jackson in which he discusses an idea recently put forward in a posting by the “father of…