
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


Can Some Forms of Grand Larceny Be Viewed as Hate Crimes?

Apparently prosecutors in Queens County New York think so. This month Queens prosecutors have charged two women with stealing more than $30,000 from three elderly men they had befriended separately. The women were charged with grand larceny as a hate crime. This strategy of treating some hate crimes as larcenous…


ABA Criminal Justice Section: U.S. Supreme Court Brief Prepared by Professor Rory Little

Holder (Attorney General) v. Humanitarian Law Project et. al. 08-1498 A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, This summary has been created by Professor Rory K. Little (, U.C. Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, who has long presented “Annual Review of the Supreme Court’s Term” program…


New Jersey: Report of the Special Master on Eyewitness Testimony is Released

Retired New Jersey Appellate Division Judge Geoffrey Gaulkin released his report in State v. Henderson today June 21, 2010. . The New Jersey Supreme Court appointed judge Gaulkin in May 2009 to serve as special master and to hold hearings and issue a report “to test the validity of our…


U.S. Supreme Court Case Briefs: The Perspective of Professor Roy Little

NOTE: This posting includes Professor Little’s perspective on City of Ontario v. Quon, the cfase whch includes interesting discussion about whether public employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding text messages went on government owned equipment during working hours. A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, This…


NISO Announces Six Recommended Practice Development Projects for Information Standards

Ellen McGrath of the Charles P.Sears Law Library at the University of Buffalo has forwarded the following announcement from the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). We are posting it here in recognition and appreciation of the importance of NISO’s ongoing work to the library community: David Badertscher Date: Fri, 18…


New York State’s Highest Court Upholds Merger of Two Bronx Courts, IDV Courts

In an earlier posting on this blog we reported that on February 23, 2010 a divided Panel of the Appellate Division, First Department, New York Supreme Court ruled in People v. Correa (2010 NY Slip Op. 01533) that the 2004 merger of the criminal courts in the Bronx into a…


U.S. Supreme Court Case Briefs (Berghuis, Carr): Professor Rory Little’s Perspective

Berghuis v. Thompkins June 2, 2010 United States v. Carr A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, Introduction by ABA Criminal Justice Section: This summary has been created by Professor Rory K. Little , U.C. Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, who has long presented “Annual Review…


Murdoch On How to Get People to Pay for Content

In a video of an interview with his Fox Business Network, Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. Chairman discusses what he considers the future of media and the Company’s plan to charge for content. During the interview Mr. Murdoch said that in order to get people to pay for content online you…


State Judicial Elections

Selections from the Fair Courts e-lert May 28, 2010, published by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law. State Judicial Elections 1. Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor continues to advocate for states to replace contested judicial elections with merit selection systems. In an op-ed appearing…


The Third Way: A Narrowly Tailored Broadband Framework

David Badertscher This posting is essentially a followup of two of our earlier postings on this topic which you can find here and here. It begins with two statements released by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on May 6, 2010 in partial response to the recent decision in the…

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