
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


CLLB Information Security Newsletter. Volume 3 March 2010.

Volume 3 March 2010 Security and Privacy on Social Networking Sites From the Desk of David Badertscher What are the security and privacy issues associated with social networking sites? Social networking sites have become very popular avenues for people to communicate with family, friends and colleagues from around the corner…


U.S. Appeals Court Ruling Curbs FCC Control of Net Regulation

In a unanimous 3-0 Decision last Tuesday April 6 the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the Federal Communication Commission did not have the authority to order Comcast in 2008 to cease and desist interfering with the traffic of Bit Torrent a P2P…


CRS Report: The Copyright Registration Requirement and Federal Court Jurisdiction

A Legal Analysis of Reed Elsevier, Inc. v, Muchnick March 18, 2010 CRS Report No. R40944; 3/18/2010; Posted 4/5/2010 Author(s): Brian T. Yeh, Legislative Attorney Subject(s): Intellectual Property No. of Pages: 11 Abstract: Although an author need not register his or her work with the U.S. Copyright Office to obtain…


Obtaining and Using Evidence From Social Network Sites

On October 6, 2009 the Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted a request to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for access to records concerning “use of social networking websites (including, but not limited to Facebook, MYSpace, Twitter, Flickr and other online social media) for investigative (crimiinal or otherwise) data gathering purposes…


Final Showdown on Health Care Legislation Set for This Weekend

House Democrats are reported to be making a final push this weekend to pass health care legislation. To that end a nearly final version of a bill, along with a report on the bill’s cost by the Congressional Budget Office, was unveiled yesterday. A final showdown regarding this legislation is…



Posted by : Joni L. Cassidy, Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc. 3/17/10 DEFINITION OF TERMS: OCLC WorldCat – the union database of bibliographic and authority records contributed by member libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Agriculture Library, the U.S. Government Printing Office and several other…


FCC Introduces Sweeping National Broaband Plan

Udated March 17, 2010. On Tuesday March 16, 2010 the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a proposal to overhaul the U.S. broadband* policy by introducing a plan that would provide higher speed internet access and much faster internet connections thoughout the U.S. than are presently available. The plan sets…


New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch Unveils Five Year Fiscal Reform Plan

On March 10, 2010 New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch released a fiscal reform plan which calls for a five-year plan to eliminate the State’s structural imbalance and introduces a process by which annual budget balance is mandated, minitored and maintained. The plan calls for up to $2 billion in…


Once Every Hundred Years?

In an earlier posting on November 5 , 2009 we reported that on November 3, 1909 the criminal court building in Manhattan (bounded by Centre, Lafayette, Franklin, and White Streets) was declared unsafe for human occupancy and everyone in the building at the time was ordered to leave immediately. When…

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