
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


AALL Maryland Authentication Working Group and Maryland Register Print Discontinuation

The Maryland Authentication Working Group and the print discontinuation of the Maryland Register are both discussed in the following e-mail from Joan M Bellistri, a member of the Working Group: The AALL Maryland Authentication Working Group has been created. Ideally, this working goup would have been formed before there were…


CLLB: Criminal Justice Abstracts. November 13, 2009.

For week ending November 13, 2009. PREPARED BY: Michael Chernicoff Looser Rules on Sentencing Stir Concerns About Equity The Supreme Court cases of The United State v. Booker in 2005 (‐00104qp.pdf ) and Cunningham v. California (‐06551qp.pdf), which gave federal judges more flexibility to depart from sentencing guideline, have…


American Libraries Direct. November 11, 2009.

The e-Newsletter of the American Library Association – November 11, 2009.* Highlights: Extending the library’s reach Tom Storey writes: “For 10 years, Brian Mathews has focused his passion for librarianship on students-specifically, how to mesh the student lifestyle with library services. Mathews, assistant university librarian for outreach and academic services…


Congressional Printing: Background and Issues for Congress

A Report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) prepared by R. Eric Petersen, Analyst in American National Government November 5, 2009.* Summary Periodically, concerns have been raised about the number and variety of products created to document congressional activity. Other concerns focus on the process for authorizing and distributing printed…


The Power of Librarian Collaboration to Provide Better Information

I was delighted to receive the following e-mail this morning from Camilla Tubbs, Chair of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) because it illustrates how librarians are working together to provide an improved information environment for the benefit of us all –librarians and non-librarians alike. Clearly these are the…


Library of Congress: Study of the North American MARC Records Marketplace

October 2009 In January 2009, the Library of Congress (LC) contracted with R2 Consulting LLC (R2) “to investigate and describe current approaches to the creation and distribution of MARC records in US and Canadian libraries”, with a primary focus from a primarily economics perspective on “in effect” mapping “the marketplace…


Gang Problem Growing Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Official Says

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has about 50 officers working on a small but growing gang problem within the city. Deputy Chief William Benjamin told an audience at Arlington High School that, “We have a small problem compared to other cities, but we have a problem.” The main speaker at…


Obama Set to Sign Bill Widening Hate Crime Law

An update to the federal hate crime statutes originally passed by Congress in 1968 will be signed by President Obama. This update will include protections to gay, lesbian, transgender, and disabled people. Despite this, many of the people who worked on this bill do not expect more people to be…


Taking Action To Help Free Online Access to CRS Reports

This posting is prompted out of concern for the need to provide open, online access to public documents including CRS reports, two e-mails received during the past two weeks, and two recent requests for recent CRS report referenced in a previous post to this blog. First the e-mails. About a…

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