
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


Selections from the American Libraries Direct E-Newsletter July 2, 2008

“OCLC has announced a new OCLC Minority Librarian Fellowship program designed to provide a unique opportunity for aspiring library professionals from historically underrepresented groups. The 12-month program offers the selected Fellow two 90-day assignments within specific divisions of OCLC, and one six-month assignment with a specific operating unit within the…


Some Recent ABA Publication Announcements June 2008*

Street Legal: A Guide to Pre-trial Criminal Procedure for Police, Prosecutors, and Defenders By Ken Wallentine This 396-page book provides specific guidance on pre-trial criminal procedure of all sorts, and explains in understandable terms “what you can do and what you can’t do” under 4th Amendment search and seizure law.…


How Trustworthy Are State-Level Primary Legal Resources on the Web?

David Badertscher* How trustworthy are state-level primary legal resources on the Web? The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) published the State-by-State Report on Authentication of Online Legal Resources (Authentication Report) that answers this very important and timely question. The comprehensive report examines and draws conclusions from the results of…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter June 13, 2008

TOP STORIES: U.S. Supreme Court Supreme Court Rules Guantanamo Detainees Have Habeas Rights Jun 12, 2008, 09:49 am CDT “The U.S. Supreme Court has delivered a stunning defeat to the Bush administration in a ruling that gives detainees at Guantanamo Bay a right to challenge their detention in federal courts……


Hard Straight: Award Winning Documentary on Parolees’ “Time on the Outside”

From Goro Toshima: I wanted to alert you to my award-winning documentary, A Hard Straight, which shows what it’s really like to make the radical transition from prison life to society, by following the post-release stories of three people in close and unflinching detail … …One spent his childhood in…


Microsoft’s Top Ten Innovationss by James Rapoza

” Let’s face it, during the reign of Bill Gates, Microsoft hasn’t exactly been Xerox Parc when it comes to inventing and creating new technologies. For the most part, Microsoft has been content to buy or copy new technologies and focus on incremental improvements to its products. But that doesn’t…


Analysis and Response – On the Record: Report of the Library of Congress Working Group and the Future of Bibliographic Control

From the Introduction: “On the Record, the report from the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, describes a new technological environment in which libraries have exciting opportunities for making information resources available and useful to new and demanding audiences. The Working Group has spent a year studying how…


Deep Indexing: A New Approach to Searching Scholarly Literature*

From: “This Week’s News”, Library (May 29, 2008). Close to 200 attendees took part in a May 20 Library Journal webcast Deep Indexing: A New Approach to Searching Scholarly Literature, sponsored by ProQuest. While a majority of those participating were from the United States, librarians and electronic resource coordinators…


Harvard Professor Stuart Shieber Downplays the Role of “Revolutionary”

From: “This Week’s News”, Library (May 29, 2008). Last week, Harvard University professor Stuart Shieber made history-he was named the first director of Harvard’s newly minted Office for Scholarly Communication (OSC). In his new role, Shieber will oversee the implementation of the university’s groundbreaking open access mandate, which he…

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