
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


Windows Vista Virtulization: What You Need to Get Started

BY: Ruest, Danielle and Nelson Ruest. ‘Windows Vista Virtulization: What You Need to Get Started,” News. (March 10, 2008). “Running Vista in a virtual machine gives users access to all of the operating system’s features while avoiding hardware and application-compatibility obstacles. Here’s a primer to get you started, with…


Tammy Raum’s Internet Research Tips for Women’s History Month, March 2008

BY TAMAR RAUM* March is Women’s History Month, and a wealth of historical, social, political, and cultural knowledge is available on the internet. The following internet page of the NWHP (National Women’s History Project) highlights notable achievements of outstanding women. To really appreciate the nature and scope of Women’s…


Internet Society (ISOC) Participates in the Open Consultations of the Internet Governance Forum

The following was contributed by Bill Graham* The Internet Society played a significant role in the second meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Rio de Janeiro in December, 2007. ISOC hosted an Open Forum on ISOC’s work and worked with partners to organize or participate in nine other…


Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

[From “The History of an American Obsession: The Lie Detectors” by Ken Alder.] “Despite this warning, the search for Momus’s window has continued down the centuries. The Greeks developed a science of physiognomy to assess people’s character from their facial features and gestures. On the assumption that anxious deceivers generated…


International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Standards Under Consideration

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’d largest developer and publisher of international standards. Many of these standards relate to matters of interest and concern to law libraries and law librarians. Part of their process for standards development is to prepare drafts to various interested groups for comment and…


Stop Criminals from Using Your Website As a Gateway to Fraud

“The Web has exploded as medium for commerce and communication, but it’s also become a favorite attack vector for criminals. And while the bad guys are motivated by money, the damage they wreak transcends the balance sheet: loss of reputation, lawsuits, loss of investor confidence and sometimes crippling liability.” “Click…


Superior Direct and Cross Examination: Demonstrations from Trial Masters

The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and The South Carolina Bar Present: Superior Direct and Cross-Examination: Demonstrations from Trial Masters of the ABA Criminal Justice Section and the S.C. Bar* 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 4, 2008 Reception to Follow The Francis Marion Hotel Charleston, S.C. We…


ABA Judicial Division Presents Programs at the 2008 ABA Midyear Meeting

From the ABA Judicial Division: The ABA Judicial Division presented and received favorable press coverage of the many wonderful programs during the 2008 Midyear Meeting in Los Angeles, CA, February 6-10. You can read, listen, and/or view these programs by clicking on the links below. This information is also posted…

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