
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA Patriot Act

Report prepared by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General February 2008. Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Patriot Act), Public Law 107-56, directs the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ or Department) to undertake a series of actions related…


Selected Documents and Web Sites: U.S. President’s Budget for 2009

DAVID BADERTSCHER The following posting consists of a series of documents selected to hopefully help provide those readers interested with an overview of the budget and the budget process. It also includes a list of the web sites rererenced in President Bush’s Budget Message.To provide added context I have embedded…


American Association of Law Libraries: Washington E-Bulletin

The January 25, 2008 issue of the AALL Washington E-bulletin is now available at Reading issues of this E-bulletin is a great way to keep abreast of issues of interest and concern to law librarians that are being discussed and debated in Washington, DC. Enjoy


Documents Regarding Economic Stimulus and the General Economic Outlook

Since issues related to stimulating the U.S. economy and the more general economic outlook are being so widely discussed in the news media, we thought it would be helpful to add context to the general discussion by posting a few federal documents which provide an added dimension to the topic.…


New on for January 2008

New on for January 2008, From Sabrina I. Pacifaci, Founder, Editor, Publisher **Many thanks to all the authors whose work appears in this month’s issue. **If you are interested in contributing a feature article, a column, a guide or a presentation to, please contact me —…


Beige Book: Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District

Introduction. Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts suggest that economic activity increased modestly during the survey period of mid-November through December, but at a slower pace compared with the previous survey period. Among Districts, seven reported a slight increase in activity, two reported ixed conditions, and activity in three…


Implementing Knowledge Management: Key Planning Considerations

BY Brett Haywrd, Vice President of Professional Services for the Americas, InQuira Summary: Today’s consumers expect fast and convenient online self-service, and they demand knowledgeable, responsive support from contact center agents-anything less and today’s consumers are perfectly willing to take their business elsewhere. An organization’s knowledge management (KM) capabilities are…


Lessons from the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill: The Gold Mouse Report

The information below is from the Press Release announcing the Report, followed by a link to the complete Report: Washington, D.C. – A new report from the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) on congressional Web sites says the overall quality “continues to be disappointing,” with more than 40% of congressional Web…

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