
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


Legal Risks of Uncontrolled Email and Web Content

A paper prepared by Hillel L. Parness, Professor, Columbia University Law School and Of Counsel, Lovells (New York) for MessageLabs ( ; it includes the following sections: Introduction, The Risks, Harassment, Child Pornography, Defamation, 3rd Party Intellectual Property Rights, Contract Formation, Confidentiality, Dealing With Risks, and a Summary. Introduction “Email…


News Alert: New Jersey Ends Capital Punishment and Commutes All Death Sentences

From the New Jersey Law Journal December 17, 2007. N.J. Ends Capital Punishment, Commutes All Death Sentences Michael Booth 12-17-2007 A quarter-century after it was reinstated and without it ever being used, New Jersey’s death penalty is repealed” Gov. Jon Corzine on Monday signed legislation that eliminates capital punishment as…


Draft Report of the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control and the AALL Official Response

View Letter from the Working Group – November 30, 2007 [PDF, 41 KB] Read Draft Final Report of the Working Group [PDF, 315 KB] The period for public comment on the report is open until December 15, 2007. Comments can be submitted via the Web site at Electronic submission…


A Librarian’s Worst Nightmare: Yahoo! Answers, Where 120 Million Users Can Be Wrong*

The following is an excerpt from a December 7, 2007 article by Jacob Liebenluft posted on Slate “When it does battle on the Web, Google rarely loses. Last year’s closure of Google Answers, however, marked a rare setback for the search giant. An even bigger shock is that Yahoo! succeeded…


Information Organization Future for Libraries

Library Technology Reports 43:6 2007 By Brad Eden Excerpts from ALA TechSource publication announcment: “As library technologists and librarians are well aware, since the advent of the Internet, the relationship between the user and his/her library has changed”. “In a world of quick-and-easy search engines and of online social networks-in…


Senator George Mitchell’s Report on Performance Enhancement Drugs in Major League Baseball

Former senator George Mitchell released his Report on Performance Enhancing Drugs in Major League Baseball on Thursday December 13, 2007. Here is an excerpt from a news release on the Major League Baseball (MLB) website: ” — Former Sen. George Mitchell said on Thursday that performance-enhancing drug use has been…


New Jersey Nears Repeal of Death Penalty

The New Jersey Senate voted Monday December 10 to make the state the first in the country to repeal the death penalty since 1976, when the United States Supreme Court set guidelines for the nation’s current system of capital punishment. Legislators on both sides of the debate said they expected…


White Paper: Impact of Cybercrime on Your Organization

This white paper explores the emerging crimeware industry, examining web based techniques and methods being used to perpetuate cybercrime, with a focus on the business impact of these attacks. The paper also explores the benefits of real time content inspection technology as a possible solution to help secure enterprises frm…


Cataloging Westlaw Records: A Question of Access

STEVEN ESSIG Recently, Cassidy Cataloguing Services announced a partnership with Thomson-West that would make available to law school libraries MARC 21 cataloging records for Westlaw items. In the words of Cassidy’s Donna Rosinski-Kauz “The Cassidy-Westlaw MARC21 records collections will be an expansion of the very popular “WLX E-Treatise Collection,” which…


Blogging and Virtual Reference at the New York Supreme Court Criminal Law Library

BY: David G. Badertscher The New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library of New York County (sometimes referred to as the New York Criminal Law Library) is located in lower Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge, City Hall, and State andFederal courthouses. It is one of several Supreme Court libraries located…

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