
Articles Posted in Commentary and Opinion


CLLB Information Security Newsletter. Volume 3 Number 9 September 2010.

Volume 3 Number 9 September 2010. September 2010 Detecting and Avoiding Fake Anti-Virus Software From the Desk of David Badertscher Your Computer Is Infected with Malware! You may be familiar with this or similar messages appearing on a website, urging you to take action purportedly designed to clean your allegedly…


Book Review: Making Our Democracy Work, By Justice Stephen Breyer*

I often find there is little time to read all of the books I would like, or even need, to and therefore find myself resorting to book reviews. Last Sunday I read a review that to me seemd exceptional and would like to share it with you. David Badertscher REVIEW::…


Should Cost be a Significant Factor in Sentencing Convicted Criminals?

Apparently the court system in Missouri thinks so. In her article, Missouri Tells Judges Cost of Sentences, publsihed in the September 18 New York Times, Monica Davey reports that “When judges here [Missouri] sentence convicted criminals, a new and unusual variable is available for them to consider: what a given…


About Justce John Paul Stevens

Justice John Paul Stevens’ career offers many lessons for those interested in learning about the attributes of a good judge, maintains an editorial in the July-August issue of Judicature, the journal of the American Judicature Society. As the editorial explains, Justice Stevens is someone who sets high personal standards, demanding…


Criminal Jurisdiction

Click on link below for various information sources related to criminal jurisdiction collected through the Google News Alert Service, September 13, 2010. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE TIMOTHY COLE ADVISORY PANEL ON WRONGFUL … By john Floyd and Paralegal Billy Sinclair Current Eyewitness Identification Procedure Reinforce False Memories and Lead to Wrongful…


LEH Copyright, New Media Law, and E-Commerce Newsletter

Volume 14, No. 4. September 1, 2010 ISSN 1489-954X Published and Distributed by the Office of Lesley Ellen Harris. 2010 is the 15TH year of publication of the LEH Newsletter. All back issues are archived at 1. Studies, Legislation and Conventions Canadian Copyright Reform Bill U.S. Exemptions from Prohibition…


Digitizing the World’s Laws: Authentication and Preservation

BY: Claire M Germain, Edward Cornell Law Librarian and Professor of Law Cornell University and Director, Dual Degree Programs, Paris & Berlin Publishers Note: Claire Germain is interested in all aspects of legal information, from rare books to digital libraries, and often writes on these topics, most recently “Digitizing the…


New York is Moving Forward on E-Discovery and E-Filing

In his August 31, 2010 New York Law Journal article, Court Rule Altered to Buttress E-Discovery; I-Filing Advances, Joel Stashenko discusses the amended Uniform Rules of Trial Courts of the State of New York as an effort to insure that lawyers keep “up to speed” regarding their clients’ records at…


New Politics of Judicial Elections, 2000-2009: Decade of Change

A new study of judicial independence from the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University Law School Authored by James Sample, Adam Skaggs, Jonathan Blitzer, Linda Casey Edited by Charles Hall Foreword by Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor August 16, 2010. This Report has been out less than…


Network Neutrality: Some Background and Perspectives (Updated August 26, 2010)

David Badertscher Introduction In an August 6, 2010 posting on the AALL Washington Blawg, “As Talks Break Down, What is Next for Neutrality”, Emily Feldman discussed the implication of talks on network neutrality between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and stakeholders of network neutrality falling apart, or at least being…

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