The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and The South Carolina Bar Present: Superior Direct and Cross-Examination: Demonstrations from Trial Masters of the ABA Criminal Justice Section and the S.C. Bar* 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 4, 2008 Reception to Follow The Francis Marion Hotel Charleston, S.C. We…
Articles Posted in Conferences, Seminars and Webinars
ABA Judicial Division Presents Programs at the 2008 ABA Midyear Meeting
From the ABA Judicial Division: The ABA Judicial Division presented and received favorable press coverage of the many wonderful programs during the 2008 Midyear Meeting in Los Angeles, CA, February 6-10. You can read, listen, and/or view these programs by clicking on the links below. This information is also posted…
ABA Conference: Stranger in a Strange Land: Cross Cultural Issues in the Courts
What does “the rule of law” mean in today’s multi-cultural society? In a growing number of cases in state and federal courts all across the country, immigrants are pleading “the cultural defense” – invoking the customs and traditions of their homelands to explain their actions. Even when it is not…
The 2008 Equal Justice Conference: Balancing Challenges and Opportunities
“The Equal Justice Conference brings together all components of the legal community to discuss equal justice issues as they relate to the delivery of legal services to the poor and low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. The emphasis of this Conference is on strengthening partnerships among the key players…
ABA Criminal Justice Section Announces Program for 2008 Mid Year Meeting
Criminal justice experts from around the country will descend upon Los Angeles on Feb. 7-9 for the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section’s 2008 Midyear Meeting. On Feb. 8 members can participate in CLE programs addressing among other issues how the “Jena 6” ordeal affected the public’s perception of the…
Audio Conference: Best Practices for Businesses Exploring, Exploiting, and Expanding in Web 2.0
Pike & Fischer Audio Conference Best Practices for Businesses Exploring, Exploiting, and Expanding in Web 2.0 An interactive audio event Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET This audio conference, co-sponsored by Pike & Fischer and the ABA’s Section of Science & Technology Law, is a first-of-its-kind opportunity for attorneys…
Northeast Regional Law Library Conference Proceedings
From Jim Garnet, Law Librarian U.S. Department of Justice National Place Library, November 2, 2007. I’ve seen this posted a couple of other places, but I don’t think it’s been on the LLAM listserv. I think the MP3 (audio) files are available for all of the programs, and the Powerpoints…