
Articles Posted in Conferences, Seminars and Webinars


2009 Special Libraries Association Conference Preview

Martha L. Foote M.S.L.I.S, Chair of the SLA Legal Division has sent the following announcement which we are glad to post here for the benefit of some who might not otherwise see it: The preliminary program for the 2009 SLA conference is now available on the web site at…


Copyright, New Media Law and E-Commerce News

Volume 13, Number 2 of this Newsletter is being reproduced in full on this posting with the permission of its Editor and Publisher, Lesley Ellen Harris. I am grateful to her for granting us this permission. FROM THE OFFICES OF LESLEY ELLEN HARRIS Copyright, New Media Law & E-Commerce News…


Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology

We recently received the following information regarding a legal information and legal informatics workshop being held in Poznan, Poland on April 28, 2009, thanks to Robert Richards of Philadelphia, PA.: Call for Papers: Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology, Poznan, Poland, April 28, 2009. Submission details are at…


ABA: Request for Employee Benefit Q&As for Government Agencies

The following is from a letter we received this morning from Phyllis C. Borzi, Chair of the American Bar Association Joint ommittee on Employee Benefits. It is being posted for the benefit of those who would have an interest in responding: Dear Employee Benefits Practitioner: Every year, the Joint Committee…


Brief Summary of American Library Association Midwinter MARBI Meetings

George Prager, Head of Cataloging at New York University Law School Library has sent his summary of the ALA Midwinter MARBI meetings to members of the American Association of Law Libraries Technical Services Special Interest Group. With his permission I am also posting it here along with his opening comments:…


ABA Criminal Justice Complementary CLE: New Paradigm of Juvenile Justice

The ABA Criminal Justice Section Juvenile Justice Committee and The Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants and The Council on Racial & Ethnic Justice Present; The New Paradigm of Juvenile Justice Complementary CLE Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree, a top advisor to President Elect Barack Obama, is known…


The Role of Libraries in Economic Hard Times

We received the following e-mail today from Jennifer S. Murray of the Maricopa County Superior Court Library in Arizona and would like to share it with you: For those who might be interested, I wanted to share this link to today’s Diane Rehm Show audio file on the role of…


Lesley Ellen Harris – Copyright New Media Law and E-Commerce News

The Copyright, New Media Law and E-Commerce News is prepared by copyright lawyer Lesley Ellen Harris with the help of Beth Davies. Issues are posted here in their entirety for strictly noncomercial use in accordance with guidelines stipulated by Ms. Harris.: Vol. 13, No. 1, January 5, 2009 ISSN 1489-954X…


ABA Criminal Justice Section Conference: Ethics: Politics and Public Corruption

The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and the Alabama State Bar Association Present Ethics – Politics and Public Corruption April 3, 2009 Ross Bridge Golf Resort and Spa, Birmingham, Alabama On April 3, 2009 in Birmingham, Ala. the ABA Criminal Justice Section and the Alabama State Bar Association will…


2009 Larry S. Hackman Research Residency Program at the New York State Archives

2009 LARRY J. HACKMAN RESEARCH RESIDENCY PROGRAM AT THE NEW YORK STATE ARCHIVES The New York State Archives and the Archives Partnership Trust announce the availability of awards for qualified applicants to conduct research using historical records at the New York State Archives. The Larry J. Hackman Research Residency Program…

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