
Articles Posted in Court Decisions


Victor Dimaio v. Democratic National Committee and Florida Democratic Party

From: Findlaw Breaking Legal Documents, May 28, 2008. Presidential Election Litigation VICTOR DIMAIO V. DEMOCRATIC NAT’L COMMITTEE AND FLA. DEMOCRATIC PARTY “(U.S. Dist. Ct., Mid. Dist. Fla., May 28, 2008) – A federal court dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Florida voter who was upset that his vote in the…


California Supreme Court: In Re: Marriage Cases

From: Breaking Documents, Findlaw May 15, 2008. California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban IN RE: MARRIAGE CASES “(Calif. Supreme Court, May 15, 2008) – California’s highest court rules that the state’s treatment of same-sex couples differently by failing to designate a gay or lesbian couple’s official union a ‘marriage’…


New York City Suit Dismissed: Gun Manufacturers Found Insulated Under U.S. Law

As reported in an article by Mark Hamblett in the May 1 New York Law Journal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit dismissed a suit by New York City attempting to hold gun manufactures liable for the flow of illegal arms into the city. In its ruling…


Kaye v. Silver : Chief Judge of the State of New York Sues for Increase in Judicial Pay for all State Judges

N.Y.’s Top Judge Sues Over Judicial Pay KAYE V. SILVER “N.Y. Supreme Court, N.Y. County, April 10, 2008) – Chief Court of Appeals Judge Judith Kaye sued New York officials for an increase in judicial pay for all state judges, arguing that, “while New York judicial salaries have declined 27…


Summaries of Opinions – U.S. Court of Appeals 2d Circuit

From: Findlaw Opinion Summaries March 26, 2008. AEROSPACE & DEFENSE, CIVIL PROCEDURE, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, INJURY AND TORT LAW, MILITARY LAW, PRODUCT LIABILITY I”n re ‘Agent Orange’ Prod. Liab. Litig., No. 05-1760 “In a products liability action arising from the alleged injuries, mostly forms of cancer, caused by veterans’ exposure to…


Claims of Presidential Power Rejected in Medellin v. Texas (06-984)

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday (March 26) in a sweeping rejection of powers in the presidency ruled that neither the World Court nor President Bush can interfere with Texas regarding that states’ enforcement of its own criminal laws. The justices in their 6-3 decision, Medellin v. Texas (06-984), ruled that…


Racially Based Premptory Challenges Reverse Murder Conviction: Snyder v. Louisiana

Justices: Racially Based Peremptory Challenges Reverse Murder Conviction SNYDER V. LOUISIANA (U.S. Supreme Ct., March 19, 2008) – A Louisiana conviction for first-degree murder and death sentence is reversed where the trial judge committed clear error in its ruling on an objection to the prosecution’s strike of a black juror…


Melvyn Weiss Pleads Guilty in Kickback Scheme

The New York Law Journal has reported that Melvyn Weiss has agreed to plead guilty to a racketeering charge for participating in a scheme to pay kickbacks to lead plaintiffs in shareholder suits. Mr. Weiss, a famed securities class action lawyer, was one of the co-founders of the law firm…


Manhattan U.S. Attorney Charges Organizers and Managers of International Prostitution Ring

“more than $1 million in alleged prostitution proceeds laundered through two front accounts. For additional information click on links below to the Press Release and the Complaint Press Release To view the Emperors Club complaint, U.S. v Mark Brener et. al. click here.

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