
Articles Posted in criminal behavior


News Briefs and Summaries from the NJSBA, March 28, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed NEWS BRIEFS: Unprecedented Mobilization:’ Tidal…


The Rusty Chronicles: Roger Citron Reviews Scott Turow’s Presumed Guilty

In Presumed Guilty, Scott Turow revisits the world of legal drama, charting the transformation of his iconic protagonist, Rusty Sabich, from prosecutor to defense attorney in a rural setting. Touro University, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center professor Rodger D. Citron examines Turow’s latest legal thriller, exploring how the author’s storytelling…


ABA Issues Guidance Allowing Lawyers Discretion When They are Victims of Crime by Client: Formal Opinion 515

FROM THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (ABA): “The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility released a formal opinion on March 5, 2025, that provides clarification on when a lawyer may divulge information when they are a victim of a crime by a client or prospective client. Formal Opinion 515 states…


Do State Legislatures Have to Obey U.S. Supreme Court Decisions?

In his essay, Do State Legislatures Have to Obey U.S. Supreme Court Decisions?  Amherst professor Austin Sarat discusses how several state legislatures, particularly Alabama, are passing laws allowing the death penalty for child rape despite a 2008 Supreme Court ruling, Kennedy v. Louisiana, that declared such punishment unconstitutional. Professor Sarat…


Beyond Remorse: Understanding Those Who Do Not Regret Their Actions

“Beyond remorse” refers to, individuals who exhibit a lack of regret or guilt for their actions, often associated with a personality disorder like antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), where people may not understand the harm they cause others and therefore do not feel remorseful, even when confronted with the consequences of…

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