
Articles Posted in Criminal Law and Justice


ABA Annual Meeting 2008: Criminal Justice Related ABA Policies

All four of the Policy Recommendations submitted by the Criminal Justice Section to the ABA House of Delegates were unanimously approved on August 11, 2008. To link to the final versions of each recommendation and audio recordings of the presentations and discussions, click here


Quinlan Law Enforcement: Pop Quiz August 14, 2008

From: Quinlan Law Enforcement E-News Alert, August 14, 2008 Question: “Peals was arrested in his garage by a number of Terre Haute, Indiana police officers from the Street Crimes Unit, a unit used to perform special tasks including high-risk arrests, narcotics arrests, and narcotics information gathering. Among these officers were…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter: Top Ten Stories of the Week

Week ending August 15, 2008 Verdicts Most Plaintiffs Who Reject Settlement Offers Do Worse at Trial Aug 11, 2008, 06:49 am CDT “The gamble of going to trial doesn’t pay off for most plaintiffs, according to a study of more than 2,000 civil suits from 2002 to 2005. Sixty-one percent…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter : Top Ten Stories of the Week

August 8, 2008 Associates Associates Happiest With Wachtell Pay, Which is on the Hefty Side Aug 6, 2008, 07:59 am CDT Midlevel associates are most satisfied with their compensation at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, which paid huge bonuses last winter ranging from $175,000 to $215,000… Continue reading. Law Firms…


Why Should We Care What NCJRS Stands For?

Anne Skove and her group who publish the Court-o-Rama. org (otherwise known as the “least dangerous blog”) have reminded us once again in a August 3 posting just how useful NCJRS is as an information and research source for a wide range of criminal justice related information. Below is an…


Seven Myths About the Specific Nature and Effect of Miranda Warnings

In their article in Criminal Justice ( “Miranda Rights…And Wrongs”,23 Crininal Justice 5-9 Summer 2008) Richard Rogers, Danies W. Shuman and Eric Drogin discuss seven myths upon which they believe”..the interpretation and application of Miranda” still rest. Here in abbreviated form are the seven myths they discuss: Myth #1: Everyone…


ABA Criminal Justice Secrtion Announces CLE Programs for 2008 Annual Meeting

ABA Criminal Justice Section Annual Meeting 08 CLE Click here for complete Agenda It’s Time for Justice: How to Handle Financial Exploitation of the Elderly Friday, August 8, 2008, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Conference Room K, Executive Conference Center, Sheraton New York Moderator: Lori G. Levin, Executive Director,…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter June 13, 2008

TOP STORIES: U.S. Supreme Court Supreme Court Rules Guantanamo Detainees Have Habeas Rights Jun 12, 2008, 09:49 am CDT “The U.S. Supreme Court has delivered a stunning defeat to the Bush administration in a ruling that gives detainees at Guantanamo Bay a right to challenge their detention in federal courts……


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter May 30, 2008

Top Stories of the Week: Layoffs Sonnenschein Acknowledges Layoffs of 37 Lawyers, 87 Staffers May 28, 2008, 05:29 am CDT “Updated: Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal is laying off 37 lawyers and 87 staff members, spread across practice groups and offices. Twenty-seven of the lawyers are associates, six are partners and…


Virginia v. Moore

From: Findlaw Breaking Documents May 28, 2008; Suspect’s Constitutional Rights Not Violated, Even If Prohibited By State Law VIRGINIA V. MOORE “(U.S. Supreme Ct., April 23, 2008) – Police did not violate a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights when they made an arrest based on probable cause but prohibited by state…

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